advice on how I "cheated" on my math quiz that will ruin my gpa for UM?

<p>Ok, so right now i'm very very *<strong><em>ed off. First off, I hate my teacher, and I think she secretly hates me. So for our quiz, she said we couldn't use our formulas, so I was like ok. So when she passes out the quiz I write down all the formulas on a separate piece of paper so I wouldn't have to think about it , I can just look at the paper( I did it of memorization).... during the middle of the quiz she passed by my row. After I was done with my test, I place my test on the table, come back and she has the formula page in her hand, ( so basically she went through my stuff on my desk, which I don't think she is allowed to do) and said she would be taking it... I come home.. I see a 0 for quiz and I'm very *</em></strong>ed off. I am on the verge of tears and don't know what to do...
not to mention, literally everyone in the class was cheating, and in my whole row. She targeted me when I wasn't even cheating. I want to tell my mom to call her... but to scared to tell her. Please, what to do?! she hates me.</p>

<p>NOT TO MENTION she has no proof I was cheating.. just because she saw me looking at it, doesn't mean it was a cheat sheet.. if she caught me in the act making a cheat sheet or something then's wrong what she is doing.</p>

<p>I went from a B to a F... and its the end of the quarter.. I wanted to apply to UM next year but this -____-
please help?!</p>

<p>Have your parent call her or talk to a higher power (I. E. an administrator or principal). Explain what happened and stick with your story. If they don’t believe it then they still can’t prove you were cheating, things this serious shouldn’t be based on assumptions from the ignorant. If worst comes to worst, tell them that. If nothing can be done, at least you tried.</p>

<p>You actually have to approach her and ask her and tell her you believe she made a mistake on your test, if she says no mistake you were cheating you get zero. Then don’t waste your time arguing with her and have your parents call her. If she continues not to change it then have your parents go to the principal and from there on.
What she is saying makes no sense. Even if you were making a cheat sheet that would be irrelevent because once your in the test you can write anything you want, your just not allowed to bring in already written things in.</p>

<p>Although she shouldn’t be going through your stuff, there is nothing stopping her legally from doing it and she will lie and say she suspected you were cheating and has your cheat sheet and is right.</p>

<p>In this case it is very difficult for the teacher to prove you cheated because she got a single paper at the end of the test that may look like a cheat sheet. She would have to prove you never wrote it in the test which is impossible unless she watched you the whole time. Even at that she would actually also have to prove that you used it too, its not enough for her to prove you had it hidden away somewhere.</p>