Advice on how to get into the culinology program at Cal Poly slo?

Hi I’m a transfer student trying to get into Cal Poly slo for their Food Science program in the culinology concentration. I understand that all majors in Cal poly slo are competitive to get into and am in need of advice on how I could increase my chances of getting accepted to this school.

My stats are:
Major: Food Science, culinology concentration
College: UCSC (1st year), DeAnza cc (2nd year), Las Positas cc (3rd year but just started)
CSU GE-Breadth + IGETC: Done
Major prep: Currently trying to finish my chemistry series, Physics 2A, and Microbiology
GPA: 3.77
ECs: CSA, JSA, KASA, Nutrition club, 2 dance clubs
Work Experience: Was a tutor for accounting and worked as Barista for Starbucks and boba place
In-State, Out of State: In-State, Bay Area

My grades, in general, are As and Bs. Unfortunately, I have 1 C+ from calculus and embarrassingly I do have 3 Ws from chem and physics. RIght now I’m trying to make up for it in my 3rd year. The reason I dropped from UCSC was that I finally knew what major I actually wanted, which is culinology, so I went back to cc to transfer to an institution that will have it. I also thought I should do more community service and also am planning to transfer to Allan Hancock community college to finish food science classes that are not offered in nor cal. I know I’m not the best student to be accepted, but any advice on how to improve my chances to get into Cal Poly slo, how competitive it is to get into my major, how to get more involved with my major, etc. will help. Thank you!

you look like a really strong applicant. The concern is that SLO simply doesn’t admit a lot of transfers - and most of those cherished seats are taken by local applicants. As this link shows, less than 300 admits for Ag, Food and Env.

You might get in but, please apply elsewhere. Perhaps TAG Davis.

Good luck.

Your GPA makes you a competitive applicant and completing your GE+IGETC along with the pre-req courses should definitely help. Based on 2018-2019 Enrollment projections for Food Science transfers, SLO expected 37 applicants and their target enrollment is 4. Since not all accepted students enroll, they usually accept 4x3=12 applicants making it an acceptance rate of around 32%.

Definitely apply to several other schools besides SLO but you have a very good chance.

Best of luck.

Thanks so much for all of your comments. Much appreciated!