Advice on how to get into Upstream work- Attending UW for ChemE

<p>I am attending University of Washington for Chemical Engineering. I really want to get into upstream work in the petroleum industry, the drilling, extraction and reservoir side. I have 3 years left for my degree, and wanted to try and get an internship this summer. However, we really don't get big oil companies like Shell or Exxon coming here, which isn't ideal, but then again, we also don't have a petroleum engineering degree.</p>

<p>Would it help if I took classes online through UND online for reservoir and production engineering? Do you think it would help bridge the gap between the petroleum degree and chemical degree somewhat, and give me a better chance to land jobs/internships? Could I list those courses on my resume?</p>

<p>What else should I be looking at taking? Geology courses? I'd appreciate any help/advice I could get.</p>

<p>I just don't know if this is a solid plan or if I should just transfer out of state to UT Austin or TAMU and try to get into their Petroleum program.</p>