advice on meal plans

<p>My S is a big eater. Can anyone recommend which meal plan to go with? Also did you find that you ate on campus all of the time on weekends as well? Do on campus students also order pizzas and eat off campus much? We r just trying to decide which meal plan to purchase.</p>

<p>thanks Again!!</p>

<p>Get the small one for on campus. It’s easy to add money to it later.</p>

<p>You can’t really eat 3 meals a day 7 days a week off of the meal plan and burn up your meal plan money quickly. I had some stuff to make in the dorm (sandwiches, microwaveable stuff, cereal) but I did eat off campus a couple times a week usually.</p>

<p>Well for me, my first semester I had to refill even with the larger plan primarily because I did not buy any other foods for my dorm; snack stuff, water bottles, etc. I would say for his first semester, get a large one. The prices of the major flex plans are $100 different, which accounts for an extra $100 of flex on each plan. If your son ends up not needing the entire meal plan, the extra flex dollars can be rolled over from Fall to Spring; however, there is no rollover from Spring to Fall!! I’d say see how his first semester goes with the dining plan and plan accordingly for the spring semester.</p>

<p>I mean yeah, if you know you’re going to use it there is no reason not to get the bigger one, but there’s no benefit (except convenience) either.</p>

<p>Where you eat will have a big impact on how quick you burn through it too. Freshman year I hardy ever ate at West End and ended up having a lot of money to burn on bulk stuff at the end, but sophomore year I ate at West End more than anywhere else and had to reload.</p>

<p>I’d recommend getting the smallest one. The food is great here and I find myself eating most meals on campus, however you never know what your situation is going to be once you get here. It’s extremely easy to add money later (added money carries over from semester to semester, year to year). If you don’t use up all the money from the original meal plan, it disappears.</p>

<p>So if you buy a small meal plan and you run out at any time in a a semester you can add money and if you dont use the ADDED money it carries over regardless of which semester it is? If you purchase the biggest meal plan and dont use all of the money then it only carries over from the first semester. If you dont use it all in the 2nd semester then you lose it? Do I have this right? And your saying that it is easy to add money and doesnt cost more than if you just bought the meal plan originally?</p>

<p>Yes, that’s right. You can add money online or at an ATM like terminal.</p>