Advice on sending SAT and ACT scores and retakes

<p>I was not happy with my SAT (2020: 690M, 680 CR, 650 W, 8E) so I'm planning on retaking
My ACT I had a 29C on first try and improved to 31C: 30 E, 31 M, 32 R, 31 S, 9E
I'll probably retake it as well</p>

<p>Now I wanted to apply ED somewhere but will it be too late to send in my new scores on the SAT since the test date is on October 10, 2009 and it takes like almost a month for scores?
September 13, 2008 is ACT so I should be fine I think if I retake
Ill be taking subject tests this upcoming weekend*</p>

<p>Now if I were to just go ahead and send these scores which one is better?</p>

<p>and If I improve my SAT what should I do
these were my thoughts</p>

<p>if SAT is less than 2100 ill send in ACT
if SAT is 2100-2150 ill send in both
if SAT is 2150+ ill send in only SAT </p>

<p>is that ok or do yall recommend a better range or something different(keeping in mind my SAT scores for each range are widely the same and not to different)</p>

<p>I also heard there is a new rule where you have to send in all your scores. Is that true and is it just SAT or ACT as well. Although you can send them all with SAT for the ACT Id have to pay multiple fees. Would it look bad for me to retake ACT a third time?</p>



<p>[SAT-ACT</a> Concordance Tables](<a href=“]SAT-ACT”>Score Comparisons – SAT Suite | College Board)</p>



<p>It depends on how you do when you retake the ACT.</p>



<p>Just the opposite, the SAT now has score choice (the ACT has always had score choice):</p>

<p>[Score</a> Choice - New SAT Score-Reporting Policy](<a href=“]Score”>Send SAT Scores to Colleges - SAT Suite | College Board)</p>

<p>Be aware that some schools have said that they want to continue having students send ALL SAT scores, Yale is an example.</p>



<p>3 times is about the limit, adcoms really don’t want to see you spending all of your time, effort (and money) taking standardized tests. </p>

<p>One thing that you haven’t brought up and which is a big difference between sending SAT and ACT scores–have you taken, and if so how are your SAT Subject test scores? If you send the ACT, you don’t need to submit Subject tests (there are 1 or 2 exceptions I think).</p>

<p>ah wow thanks that was really helpful entomom
my SAT and ACT match up almost exactly even by subscores</p>

<p>I’ll be taking the subject tests this upcoming weekend
I will for sure sign up for SAT in October
and I may sign up for ACT 3rd time </p>

<p>I guess its just wait and see until then and Ill repost later on with updated stats</p>

<p>For my 1st try, I got 31 for ACT and 1910 for SAT I. I prefer the ACT will be taking it again next week to better my score, should I re-take SAT I in fall? Since only need to submit the higher score of the 2 tests?</p>

<p>If submit to colleges only the ACT score since need to submit 2 SAT II scores, will they also see the SAT I score?</p>



<p>I’d suggest that you wait and see what your score is on the ACT retake before you decide on whether or not to sign up for the SAT in the fall.</p>



<p>As I stated above, the vast majority of schools accept the ACT without SAT IIs; I know there are a couple of exceptions, but have you checked the websites of the colleges you’re interested in to see what they require??</p>



<p>You cannot take the SAT I and the SAT IIs on the same day, so with score choice you are able to send your SAT II test scores without sending SAT I score.</p>