<p>Hello world :)</p>
<p>I will be applying to MIT this fall and I have been considering submitting a supplement to my application that does not fall within the usual categories of performing arts or athletics based on individual performance.</p>
<p>As a member of my high school's marching band, I have come to realize that this activity is widely misunderstood and underestimated in terms of performance quality and effort required. I am very passionate about my involvement in this organization, and I wish to more adequately express to the admissions officers the scope of my involvement in the marching band. As a supplement, I am thinking of submitting a letter of recommendation from my band director, a video recording of our halftime show performance, and perhaps photographs or music samples.</p>
<p>I'm hoping for the Divine Intervention of an MIT representative, but the comments of anyone anywhere who knows something about MIT are very welcome! Also, if there are any current MIT students floating around out there, I would love to hear your input on how this submission would mesh with what you know about Admissions at MIT, or the atmosphere of the school in general.</p>
<p>Sounds good
They look at all the supplemental material. I wouldn’t suggest sending too much, but the recommendation and video are good ideas.</p>
<p>Thanks tmanneopen
Any other advice from people out there?</p>
<p>My opinion is that it’s great to send supplemental material if it shows something about you that you want the admissions officers to recognize, so I think sending material about your band would be great. I would probably send a quick highlight reel of the halftime show in addition to/instead of the full show, in case your readers don’t have time to see the whole thing.</p>
<p>Still, it’s not uncommon for MIT applicants, especially those from the midwest and other yay-football regions of the country, to be seriously devoted to outstanding marching bands – the admissions officers will not be surprised to learn that marching band is a very serious, time-consuming activity for you, so there’s no need to send material to convince them. </p>
<p>Recording the amount of time you spend on band in the EC section of the application would be adequate, and having your director write a supplemental letter is a great idea. I’m not sure that sending a video, music sample, or photographs adds much.</p>