Advice Please!

<p>We are looking at the following schools. Any thoughts about the first 4 as I do not see much on the boards about them (Groton, I see everywhere)?
1. Middlesex
2. St. Georges
3. St-Marks
4. Brooks
5. Groton

<p>Are you applying for this coming fall? If so you are pretty late in the timetable.</p>

<p>There have been some topics about all of these schools, if you do a search you find some information. I know a couple of people at Middlesex, both really, really bright kids and really nice kids and from what I’ve heard they had amazing experiences there. From what I’ve heard, St. George’s is gooorgeous. Don’t know anything about St. Marks, but I feel like one of the posters on here goes there? I could be wrong. Do a search and you’ll probably find some stuff.</p>

<p>I’ve had relations attend 4/5 and each would say that the school they attended was the best. If 3 out of the 4 make it for Thanksgiving it can be an extremely boisterous crowd being that all 5 are part of the ISL. I implore you not to get hung up any kind of tier level issue. They’re all really great schools with terrific facilities, wonderful faculty and good kids. There are a lot of great schools that don’t get mentioned here on CC. Don’t let CC steer your boat. But if I were to choose, I would have to say !@#$%^&<em>()+ is the best. !@#$%^&</em>()+ = FIT!
I’m assuming that your dilemma starts March 10th in deciding which one, which will be a nice situation to be in. Revisits will be very important but that sounds easier said than done if your coming from Canada. Check the websites constantly, they have updates on school functions other than sports that can help give one a feel for the school. - Good luck!</p>

<p>Middlesex, St. George’s & Brooks usually receive very good reviews. St. Mark’s is well liked by students in attendance, but had several students expelled for substance abuse last year. They are all well regarded but have different cultures. St. Mark’s is a bit more relaxed & may embrace a bit of the hippie culture. St. George’s is more formal, in a spectacular setting & may have more “bluebloods”. Brooks, I think, is liberal & international. Middlesex is academically outstanding but may have too many day students for a boarder far from home, since many of the boarders at Middlesex also live within a couple of hours drive.
Really depends upon what you are seeking. Also, the boarding school/prep thread can become very emotional, so that may be why responses will be few & constrained.</p>

<p>wow, I have not seen anything about the problems at St-Marks…that is concerning. We are not blue bloods, are most of St-George students “entitled”?</p>

<p>First off I would like to state that I appreciate ColdWind’s comments which I have found to be beneficial and informative. In my humble opinion, there are no more “bluebloods” at St. George’s than there are at any other BS. There are familiar names at many schools but I say the so called well off kids are on par or outnumbered by those who aren’t or just getting by. How boring all these institutions would be if everyone was cut from the same cloth. There are unfortunate incidents at all the BS. Some make the national news and some don’t. Some kids drink or smoke “dope” and out they go. No school likes to hang there dirty laundry for every one to see. I know many kids at many different BS and I hear all the stories, eventually. They all have stories. St. Mark’s is not unusual and does not strike me as laid-back. I don’t feel Brooks is liberal but will agree has a great international exchange program. Middlesex is academically challenging but so are all the schools in the ISL and other others for that matter and how outstanding is purely up to the student.</p>

<p>My D is at Sain Mark’s. I can explain better for Saint Mark’s. She was accepted by several BS last year and choise Saint Mark’s pver the others since it is closer to my home and we heard many positive news from our relatives about Saint Mark’s. Now we believe that we made the right choice. The schools is very dynamic these days and many things are being changed in very positive directions including academic sides.
Their new school head has been doing a great job for last two years. They keep renovating academic program, college counseling office, and school building/facilities.</p>

<p>Hmm, my grammar was a little off.</p>

<p>I love Middlesex</p>