<p>mammall, my S skipped Spanish I entirely at the suggestion of the lead Spanish teacher at our HS, and started the language with Spanish II in 9th grade. (He was already advanced in French, having taken French II at the HS while he was in 8th grade, so in 9th he was in French III.) This is the course of action suggested by the HS:</p>
<p>Firstly, they agreed to test him at the end of the summer, and if he had learned enough, skip him. </p>
<p>Secondly, they gave him a copy of the text used for Spanish I, and he met with the Spanish I teacher who gave him a list of the chapters/sections he needed to cover to be ready for Spanish II. </p>
<p>Thirdly, they recommended a rising Spanish V student to "tutor" him over the summer. (The teacher said that having someone to speak it with was the most important thing.) Since he was away for the first 5 weeks of summer vacation, they started meeting 3 times per week for an hour and a half around the end of July. This was also motivational! :)</p>
<p>Correct me if I'm wrong, but your d isn't <em>starting</em> French this summer, she's just looking to learn the equivalent of French II so that she can skip a year?</p>
<p>If so, I'd suggest that you meet with the langauge folks at the HS, get them to loan you a copy of the text they use for French II, and find out what really needs to be covered to succeed in French III. Make sure that they agree to skip her if she succeeds in learning it. Be aware language programs don't always match, and that a student can be advanced in one area (familiarity with a broader range of verb tenses, for example) but behind in another (vocabulary, for example), and that it can make it very hard to do well.</p>
<p>Lastly, you might want to look into Concordia Language Villages. I'm not sure of the age bracket they serve, but I've heard good things about them.</p>