<p>I am terrible at reading and writing but am pretty good at math. My writing is generally around 620 and reading is around 510.. Do you guys suggest any books or tips for help? Thanks!</p>
<p>Btw Iām taking the sat October 1st so anything that will get immediate results would be great :)</p>
<p>Practice practice practice for writing! start with these [SAT</a> Prep : Practice tests and information for students taking the SAT test](<a href=āhttp://www.majortests.com/sat/]SATā>SAT Prep : Practice tests and information for students taking the SAT test | Major Tests)</p>
<p>then move on to barrons or the blue book/officially released sats. also try doing isolated sections of writing/reading UNTIMED, and try as hard as you can to get every single question right, no matter how long it takes you.</p>
<p>thank you! Any one else have any tips/advice?</p>
<p>Buy the collegeboard BB, take a practice test every other day, analyze results. Read silverturtles and noitapreps guides. Get dr chungs or grubers sat math workbook for math. Study direct hits for vocab.</p>
<p>Dont stress, just relax, you can retake SAT up to 4 times.</p>