Advising at a UC School

We are OOS and my daughter attended a UC for two years. During that time she had a nightmare getting any advising. She then wanted to switch majors, and the new major literally had no advisor. She was passed from person to person and back again to the original person, a dean. He originally said if you can’t get answers come back to me. Ultimately, she transferred to art school.

My son is now applying for colleges this Fall and loved UCLA when he visited. He is a different kid with different interests, but we are very hesitant because of the experience we had with a different UC. Can anyone with experience with UCLA comment on good/bad when it comes to advising/support? This is in no way needing hand-holding. It is having someone to answer questions, keep you on track, etc. Thank you!

What school/college will he be applying to within UCLA? Letters snd Sciences, Engineering etc? I can tell you a little about Engineering but not much about any other school. And at any of the schools there will be no one to “keep you on track”; that responsibility rests with the student.

Thank you-It would most likely be L&S. It’s not necessarily the “keep you on track,” as much as it is getting someone to answer a call, email, or even have an advisor…as long as he feels like he has a name to go to if there was an issue.

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In general advising at UCLA is going to be whoever is at the window when you get to the front of the line although appointments are available. For your first two years they try to steer you to peer counselors (upper division students that have received some training) or grad students (see ). Some colleges such as Engineering assign a faculty advisor.

There is a page on how to make appointments at


So there isn’t a name of a person assigned…not a problem if he can still have someone to go to at a window that is open and available. That was not the case elsewhere. She was sent round and round and back again to the original person…I appreciate it!

Sorry I can’t be of much help. One thing that has helped my daughter, even more that her faculty advisor, is participating in an engineering club with students from all years (freshmen to seniors). The amount of institutional knowledge is invaluable in a well established club and more importantly, it is from a student’s perspective. So if your son ends up at UCLA I would highly recommend participation in a club that is related to his major to put him in direct contact with this type of knowledge.

That is helpful! I know UCLA could be great for him and what he wants out of college. I think we just are going in a little more prepared this go-around.

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