AE/Mech College choice

Hoping to major in AE or ME with a minor in music/vocal performance. If no minor is offered, high-level audition-based choirs. Considering grad school in Europe.

Virginia Tech
NC State
Texas A&M

All are out-of-state schools. Pros/Cons of any of the schools listed above?

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Great school options!

Purdue has a very vibrant arts community - lots of choirs, and theater groups. We’ve been extremely impressed with the quality of the student performers. That said, no minor in music performance.

Can’t be beat for your major!


For engineering students, all have secondary admission to major based on college GPA and sometimes essays.

VT auto admits with 3.0 college GPA. Otherwise, admission to major is competitive.

Purdue auto admits with 3.2 college GPA. Otherwise, admission to major is competitive.

Texas A&M auto admits with 3.75 college GPA. Competition level otherwise is described at TAMU ETAM statistics - #172 by pbleigh

NCSU has no auto admit GPA, but has an estimator of chances at

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