Aeronautical Engineering - Purdue/OSU/Penn State/GATech/UIUC

My son got admission into Aeronautical Engineering EA @ Purdue/OSU/Penn State/GATech/UIUC. Would love to hear feedback from current students/parents whose kids are studying engineering at those schools.

Thank you.

All very good schools - my D was accepted by three of them and didn’t apply to the others only because they were too far away - they were all on the short list.

She is now a MechE Junior at Purdue and very happy. One of her close friends is in Aero. The work is challenging, but it would be at any of these schools in engineering.

From a “reputation” standpoint, for what that’s worth, it’s hard to beat the “Cradle of Astronauts” - -, though GT would be up there reputationally. Not that the others are slackers, either.

No bad choice there. Glad to answer specific questions.

Working in aerospace I know more people here from Purdue but I also know people here from each of the other schools. Less GT students that the others though but we are mainly manned space flight here which seems to draw less from there.

Another Purdue engineering parent here but chem e, not aero.

D spent time at a NASA facility one summer and after she answered where she went to school, 1/2 the room yelled “Boiler Up!”

Thank you all for your input. All are good schools and my son has not made up his mind as we still have to visit Purdue & GATech campus before making a final decision, but Purdue & OSU have offered scholarships and we are waiting on the Millennium scholarship decision.

Thank you again.