Affirmative Action In Admissions

<p>did i forget to mention that nobody cares? The only reason you're in this thread is to make the rest of us look more intellegent and to let us laugh at your stupidity</p>

<p>You dont have to be a master of the english language and know history to make good money.</p>

<p>Sure it may help but its not a neccesity.</p>

<p>again you make a comment but then change the subject and ont follow throgh.</p>

<p>sad man.</p>

<p>I will pray that you dont get into that scchool tonight.</p>

<p>This thread is about AFIRMATIVE ACTION...and you must ARTICULATE A COHERENT ARGUMENT IN DECENT ENGLISH TO GET YOUR VIEW's a POLITICAL and a HISTORICAL argument that's been going on for decades</p>

<p>Sorry to interrupt your bickering.</p>

<p>But farhansa, you never answered my question - - why the outrage over AA and not legacies, athletes or as Jorain stated, celebs?</p>

<p>Why Do You Not Understand.....i Got In To Uva On April 18th...i'm Already In...i'm Already In...i'm Already That So Hard To Comprehend...are You So Stupid That You Can't Understand That!? I've Been In For Over A Week!!!!!!...MY TUITION DEPOSIT HAS REACHED THE UNIVERSITY...I'M OFFICIALLY SIGNED UP TO BE A STUDENT AT UVA FOR THE FALL 2005 SEMESTER...HOW CAN ANYONE BE SO IGNORANT!?</p>


<p>sorry NYC....I am against them...but the basis behind my argument is constitutionality. Like i said in my "gerrymandering comparison post," drawing constituency lines on the basis of race has been declared unconstitutional....i.e. grouping people in to racial categories is unconstitutional...and i believe AA is a form of racial segmentation</p>

<p>and please interrupt....I'd love for him to just stop being so ignorant and leave this thread if he has nothing useful or coherent to say...his presence angers me, because he feels a need to interrupt mature debate on an issue and spread his racism and biggotry</p>

<p>Um you enver said that. I was going on an older thread which you said the results would be anouched on friday the 29th</p>

<p>The Man is on tv. GTg bye</p>

<p>go back to page for you moron</p>

<p>and good don't come back</p>

<p>Go back to page for you.</p>

<p>This from the language expert</p>

<p>four*'s called a typo you idiot</p>

<p>and you come at my neck about them. Practice what your preech dumbass</p>

<p>i've made one...every other word for you is a "typo" just can't spell, nor follow even the most basic rules of grammar</p>

<p>I dont try. I type my thoght, and then hit submit. I never re-read or look over what I type. I could, and it would be just as clear as yours. But you are not worth the trouble</p>