Affirmative Action/URM

<p>I just don’t understand why he came to the AA Forum in the first place?</p>

<p>I think this sort of thread title is rarely the start of something good.</p>

<p>Hi everyone ,please I need help with my college application . I’m an international applicant</p>

<p>Nobody seems to be online. Not fair and I just joined today</p>

<p>Welcome to cc angel!</p>

<p>Angel, you should check out a more general subforum, like college admission’s or international students. This subforum represents a very small percentage of the total…not that there’s anything wrong with that :D</p>

<p>Welcome! And don’t take it too seriously. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Disclaimer; I am a parent. My D just graduated fromDuke and my son is a sophomore, school of engineering at Loyola Fairmount in SoCal.</p>

<p>An Asian’s perspective? What, the perspective of a whiny bunch of butthurt freaks enraged because their OBSESSION with grades and test scores doesn’t always pay off? What, angry because the idiot blacks are taking “your spots,” eh?
Come the f off it.
Go back to your automaton buddies, overcome homelessness, poverty and racism and then return to speak your piece regarding intelligence.
How DARE you bring your vile, vitriolic rhetoric here? Constantly lamenting the woes of Asians all because you can’t make up 100% of the Ivies like you feel you deserve to? Making up stats to insult my culture? PAH. And you say I detest whites? You hate everyone who isn’t Asian! You feel every individual sans perfect stats should be barred from the elite. You want to be rid of AA because you and your cohorts believe that all blacks and whites will disappear, which stems from your belief that Asians are academically superior. So don’t sit here and act as if you’re advocating for poor whitey, k?</p>

<p>And your daddy hates blacks? Well. Remind his uncouth, childish self that if it were not for these stupid blacks fighting tooth and nail in the Civil Rights Movement for ALL minorities, the doors even opened to you people would have never been thus.
Don’t bite the hand that fed you, wretch.</p>

<p>^Chill, babe.</p>

<p>Can’t, brah. </p>


<p>I don’t get what I said wrong? What? I like black people. I am not saying they haven’t gone through a lot. I’m just saying I don’t believe they deserve affirmative action. Sounds to me you have a problem with Asian people. And technically, anyone without good scores should be out of the elite. Just stating the truth, black people are elites in the sports realm, you don’t see Asians complaining about athletic AA to get more Asians in. Remember, we are talking academic institutions, why shouldn’t the people with the highest scores not get in? Logic=Zero. I told you before. If blacks were being hurt by AA, i’d side with them. But in this case, it just so happens to be Asians getting hurt. Why don’t you look around this site more and see how many Asians complain on their rejection statuses “probably cuz i’m asian.” It shouldn’t be that kids who work their butts off in an academic realm of high school should be shunned out of top tiered schools by others who aren’t as smart, simple as that. And one more time because you probably forgot, I don’t care if 1 race dominates an entire school, if thats the way it falls, thats the way it falls. You have no credible argument. Have fun calling me racist…</p>

<p>So the blacks applying aren’t qualified?</p>

<p>Oh, wait. Let me guess. You aren’t racist because you have black friends, right?</p>

<p>One more thing. I know a black girl, wonderful person. She barely took any APs, did bad on her SAT, and actually had time to go chill out with her friends on weekends. She got into an Ivy while my brother didn’t. To be honest, he deserved it more. There is absolutely 0 substantiative reasons why my black friend should have got in. :D</p>

<p>Blacks can be qualified. Where did I say they cannot be? All i’m saying is that many blacks who aren’t qualified are getting in, and many Asians who are overqualified are not…-_-</p>

<p>Let me just see what you are trying to figure out by attacking me…</p>

<p>Yes or No. Do you think Affirmative Action is acceptable.</p>

<p>Where in hell are all these ■■■■■■■■ black people getting into Ivies sans the proper qualifications?
You’re just giving me anecdotal evidence that I cannot even verify.</p>

<p>Also, you can’t be overqualified for Ivies. Like, no.</p>

<p>Ok, forget the anecdotal evidence. Do you think affirmative action is acceptable?</p>


<p>So long as the colleges are simply selecting the most qualified applicants from each pool.</p>

<p>Then that isn’t affirmative action…What do you think affirmative action is?</p>


If you want to attend a school where only your grades and test scores are considered, then feel free to apply to colleges and universities where they would be. I would be happy to direct you to a few applications.</p>


You are in no position to determine who is “qualified” and who isn’t. You aren’t an app reader, therefor you don’t get to pick and choose who “should be” admitted and who shouldn’t. I’m really not sure why this concept is so hard to understand. Please take a seat.
If a college wants to take in someone who–as shown through essays, activities, and teacher recs, for example–would be a valuable asset to their school, then they will admit them. You don’t “deserve” to be accepted solely because you were able to obtain the highest grades or test scores. If an admissions counselor believes that someone who, say, sat in their room and studied all day (of course, not all who earned high grades/test scores did this) won’t be a valuable asset to their college, then they won’t accept them.
If you are meant to be accepted, you will be. Whining and saying, “B-b-but the black people got in and I didn’t! I worked harder than they did! It’s not fair!” won’t get you accepted, though.</p>

<p>I’m sorry.
What do you think AA is then? A free pass for idiots?</p>