Affirmative Action/URM

<p>Alexissss, you are ignoring my questions. What is your definition of AA? You seem to know exactly what it is and you just want to ignore it.</p>

<p>“You are in no position to determine who is “qualified” and who isn’t.”</p>

<p>Oh yeah? Well howabout we take race out of the equation and see what happens? O wait, we have, with the UCs and imperial college of london. smh.</p>

<p>It is a boost to qualified urms. </p>

<p>Do you need something else?</p>

<p>and Alexissss, I believe AA is giving an unfair advantage to African Americans and is penalizing Asian Americans. Now please, without getting in an enraged rant, please just tell me what AA is to you. I’ll be on a little later to read it because I’m at my Dual Enrollment college right now. Thanks.</p>

<p>I just told you, lol.</p>


Oh yeah.</p>


Okay. As I previously stated, I would be happy to direct you to the applications of schools who don’t take your race into account.</p>


Take a look at these two links, and report back to us about this “unfair advantage” you speak of. Note the acceptance rates:</p>

<p>[Black</a> First-Year Students at the Nation?s Leading Research Universities : The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education](<a href=“]Black”>Black First-Year Students at the Nation’s Leading Research Universities | The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education)</p>

<p>[Black</a> First-Year Students at the Nation?s Leading Liberal Arts Colleges : The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education](<a href=“]Black”>Black First-Year Students at the Nation’s Leading Liberal Arts Colleges | The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education)</p>

<p>I think a lot of you are forgetting that AA isn’t just for african-americans, but women, other minorities and people of different religions. And a lot of people exaggerate. If there was a white male with a 2300 SAT, straight A’s, AP/IB classes and strong EC’s compared to an african american girl with a 1750 SAT, A’s and B’s, Some AP classes and EC’s, they’re most likely going to pick the white male, because they seem like a strong candidate. The girl’s are good, but the guys are better, no matter what the race is. And I don’t know of any school who does that, but I wouldn’t want to go to any college who picks someone based solely on race.</p>

<p>I know colleges take other things into account. A lot of those things like ECs, religion, and test scores are within control. Race and gender aren’t. Alexissss, if you are supporting AA, then you are supporting institutionalized racism. Don’t just take my word for it, watch some videos. You are looking at AA from a very narrow perspective, try to see how White males feel about it. And sure they’re going to pick a 2300 White over a 1700 black. I’m saying maybe them choosing a 2000 black over a 2200-2300 white, or a 1950 black to a 2000-2200 Asian. The statistics are on my side. If you want to argue statistics, be my guest.</p>

<p>^Why so heated? Calm down, it is what it is and an argument on here isn’t gonna change anything one bit.</p>

<p>Or a 2080 white kid over a 2350 Asian.
I suppose you should raise hell with the white community, too, right?
And dear god, to call AA racism is to ignore the very definition of the word. You’re simply assuming the vast majority of blacks are stupid and can only achieve low scores. You think we’re getting into these schools without hardwork because you believe all the negative stereotypes about us.
It’s what prompts people chancing someone with a 3.5 uw GPA who wishes to attend an Ivy to say “Your GPA is too low…unless you’re urm.” Like, really? And it’s ALL OVER CC. Very insulting.
You have no concrete stats to suggest we’re getting in with substantially lower scores, so you sit and throw out overused assumptions and anecdotal evidence.
I can’t change your mindset or the thousands of Asians and whites who think like you. Sorry.</p>

<p>I do have concrete evidence. The UCs? Once AA was taken away, they lost 57% of the black population they had admitted from the last year.</p>

African American/Black: 1%
American Indian/Alaskan Native: 0%
Asian/Pacific Islander: 38%
Hispanic: 15%
White: 34%
Race/Ethnicity Unknown: 5%
International: 4%</p>

<p>UC Berkeley:
African American/Black: 4%
American Indian/Alaskan Native: 1%
Asian/Pacific Islander: 43%
Hispanic: 12%
White: 32%
International: 3%</p>

<p>Now just admit I’m right and support what’s right -_-…</p>

<p>So tell me blacks aren’t underperforming…They are smart like everyone else, its just socioeconomic issues that keep them down. And think, this is just the UCs, the ivies are even harder. The majority of blacks in the Ivies are there because of AA. The majority, not all. My proof, look around CC.</p>


Where are your links?</p>

<p>That’s a few schools.
You may not extrapolate that “evidence” and apply it to all schools.</p>

<p>I think you’re just a bitter Asian like half of CC’s population.</p>

<p>If CC isn’t good enough, there is a report by Princeton and Harvard sociologists. You don’t like to accept cold facts, do you…</p>

<p>You don’t want to accept that being an automaton doesn’t always work out, do you?</p>

<p>Also, blacks who underperform aren’t applying to Harvard, genius.</p>

<p>[Racial</a> Breakdown of the LARGEST California PUBLIC Colleges](<a href=“Racial Breakdown of the LARGEST California PUBLIC Colleges | HuffPost College”>Racial Breakdown of the LARGEST California PUBLIC Colleges | HuffPost College)</p>

<p><a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;

<p><a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;

<p>Alexis, standing up against AA does not make me bitter. Being upset at the facts makes one bitter…you. </p>

<p>People, if Asians aren’t going to dominate ALL colleges if we take away AA, why are we so reluctant to take the race box away? It’s the one dang question you are ALL too afraid to answer…</p>

<p>Automatons dominating the Ivies?
No. </p>

<p>Yeah. If we take away AA we can take away every other boost kids get in the college process. That better?</p>

<p>Did you seriously just link me to the vids of butthurt whities?
Also, blacks aren’t the only people who benefit from AA.
If a white woman and a white man are applying for an engineering job, who is most likely to get it? The woman. Why? Diversity. But guess what? She still must be qualified.</p>

<p>Alexissss, people like you are pathetic, resulting into ad hominem attacks when you don’t have statistics or facts to back your claims. I didn’t say Harvard blacks are underperformers you lie-fabricating loon. Now see, that is a true and proven attack on your character, because you lied. I never said Harvard blacks were underperformers, I’m saying a lot that are there are not as qualified as a lot of Blacks, Whites, Jews, and even Hispanics who were rejected…</p>

<p>^OnlineOwl - One stat you completely fail on is being nice to people.</p>

<p>I didn’t say take away other advantages, just unfair ones…Now please, stop being so ignorant, look at the facts, and stop putting words into my mouth. Like I said, if we were in front of people, they’d think you’re out of your mind ignoring so many arguments I’ve made and only trying to defend your race. It’s actually quite racist, but you don’t know it. It’s called “reverse racism” look into it.</p>