<p>Hey guys, I came across this video today and thought it would be worth sharing with you guys since it covers some issues about university admissions and affirmative action. I'm not an affirmative action fanatic or anything (lol I'm Asian) but I really have to agree with Rachel on this one. I was quite shocked by some of the stuff Pat Buchanan said. It came across as spiteful.</p>
<p>108 out of 110 Supreme Court Justices have been white, 108 of 110 justices have been male and he’s complaining about discrimination against white males…wow.</p>
<p>0 out of 110 Supreme Court Justices have been Asian
0 out of 110 Supreme Court Justices have been Native American
0 out of 110 Supreme Court Justices have been Hispanic
0 out of 110 Supreme Court Justices have been Austronesian</p>
<p>Sotomayor bootstrapped her way to the Supreme Court, why don’t Republicans like that if they’re always going on about how minorities need to work harder and pull themselves up by their bootstraps?</p>
<p>yea, that’s a good point. republicans chant the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” method, but the moment a minority has done just that, he/she is automatically accused of benefiting from AA. You can’t have it both ways.</p>
<p>Pat Buchanon doesn’t want an executive/legislative/judicial branch representative of the people, he wants one representative of the people as they were 200 years ago.</p>
<p>…Most Republicans aren’t mad that Sotomayor is in a position to be a justice. They’re mad that she made a blatant racist statement and no one seems to care (because she’s a minority).</p>
<p>IMO, that remark was taken out of context and she’s apologized for it numerous times . Besides, there is no denying that being a minority in America gives you a different point of reference than you would otherwise have if you were white.</p>
<p>But she didn’t say that it offered a differing view (which would have been fine.) She said that it provided her the ability to make a better decision. Big difference.</p>
<p>If a white man said the same thing, he’d be gone and labeled a racist bigot.</p>
<p>Was it a stupid thing to say? Of course. Does the comment insinuate a form of racism? Sure. But is that comment reflective of her past actions, rulings, and judgments and therefore indicative of a future-racist SC justice? Absolutely not. “Actions speak louder than words” works both ways: she said a comment exerting the superior judgment of one race over another, but there are zero actions committed by her that suggest she really stands by these feelings and will base her rulings on this train of thought.</p>