<p>Do you believe that Affirmative Action in college is beneficial because it creates a society of diversity and should be implemented or do you believe that it is reverse racism and admissions should be based on merit only?</p>
<p>The derives from a more general question is "what is fair": to make everybody equal or to treat everybody equal?</p>
<p>Affirmative Action is a very controversial subject, and it’s easy to tell why. I don’t know if I necessarily believe in it. In my opinion, colleges should be race and need blind.</p>
<p>awesome thread topic, it’s something i feel very strongly about. i actually wrote an article about it for the school paper last year (op-ed), but i feel it would be audacious of me to excerpt myself, so i won’t :D</p>
<p>There have literally been 53204713097 threads about AA on this site. Nobody’s opinion will change and it will invariably turn into a sh** show. Most people are sick of the topic.</p>
<p>^Why wait for a revolution in the states? Just go to a country that’s already had a worker’s revolution. I’m sure you can find a job at the iPhone factory in China or catch one of the refugee boats heading from Florida to Cuba.</p>
<p>Nah, I’m not interested in dictatorships that call themselves Communist for propaganda purposes. Though I’d go to Cuba if I needed life-saving medication I didn’t have enough cotton-fiber paper to deserve in the US.</p>
<p>If you count almost dying from a croop attack, than literally. The rest of it is a metaphor for being well below the poverty line. You’re also obviously going to the wrong doctors; I never had a problem. I even had my knee rebuilt by a U.S. ski team doctor with medicaid.</p>
<p>Well, the system seems to have worked well for you, then. I know a lot of people who have trouble with it, though, so it very well may be regional.</p>