African American Class of 2015

<p>Duke is one of my top choices as well. Unfortunately, it’s super duper expensive. I went their last summer and the campus was beautiful! I felt like I was at Hogwarts. UNC Chapel Hill is a good alternative and a lot cheaper. But I heard that out of state admissions is just as hard as Duke admissions.
But my list so far
UNC Chapel Hill
USC Columbia

<p>Oh yeah my cousin got a full tuition scholarship to Duke. So that’s something I would like to aim for!
My courses for next year:
AP Chemistry
AP English
Regular Precalculus (our school is too small to offer honors classes)
US History
Spanish IV
Drawing/Painting (trying to get my BS art credits)
Hopefully Newspaper</p>

<p>My school is really small too, my class has only 65/66 girls. Th entire school is probably around 300.</p>

<p>Wow. My school must be huge then!
We have about 100-150 sophomores and 600-700 kids altogether. Do you go to an all girls school? And I bet your class sizes are super small!</p>

<p>Yup, all-girls catholic school :slight_smile: My biggest class this year was chemistry, which had 22 girls. The smallest was probably french, we only had 9. The average is around 10-15. It’s really nice though, you see familiar faces everyday and we’re close to one another in general.</p>

<p>That’s how I feel about small class sizes too. I came from a school with classes that could have 32-36 kids. So my classes now are like 10-15 kids and I really enjoy the intimacy and the more individualized learning. What type of ecs do you guys do?</p>

<p>There’s pretty much two groups: sports and music lol We’re pretty competitive in sports: lacrosse, track, XC, soccer, etc. And they just added a badminton team in the spring. I do cross-country and run track. There’s two major plays a year, choir, band, etc. We have a literary magazine, newspaper, photography, Model UN, Mock Trial, Book Club, and the It’s Academic team, which I’m joining this year. It’s kinda like Quiz Bowl. There’s also a big emphasis on community service. We have a 100 hour requirement by the time we graduate, but a lot of girls go over that. The senior class that just graduated had I think 2-3 girls with 350-500 hours :O</p>

<p>That’s a lot of community service! Im sure that looks awesome for college. Lets see at my school we have football, volleyball, tennis, cross country, basketball, wrestling, swimming, soccer, softball, baseball, and I feel im forgetting one. Then we have JROTC, Model United Nations, National Honor Society, Student Government, Volunteer Club, Chinese Club, Journalism. We don’t have a lot of academic clubs. I would love to start a debate/forensics team and a math team.
I play volleyball and basketball. Im in NHS, plan to run for junior president, MUN, volunteer club, and maybe start a Spanish club.</p>

<p>You should do it! Colleges like seeing that sort of initiative. I’ve been thinking about starting a biology/science themed club, but I don’t know what we would do in it.</p>

<p>Late response but this is what my schedule looks like for the year
AP government and economics
AP phycology
AP chemistry
AP English
French 3 honors
Pre-calculus honors
Credit union (school bank)
How does my schedule look ??? And does anyone have any input on my decision to take AP chem, I hear it’s super difficult</p>

<p>I’ll start putting some serious thought into it. Maybe in your biology club you could put on an assembly at the end of the year doing some interesting demonstrations and connecting biology to real life. At my old school we’d have AG (academically gifted) seminars where we’d have guest speakers do science experiments with dry ice and cool stuff like that.
Your schedule is very rigorous but it will definitely be worth it in the long run. As long as you’re truly invested in your school work you’ll do fine!
I’ve heard AP Chem is one of the most difficult APs to take. However, my teacher said this year they revamped the whole curriculum. So the test is gonna be totally new. I guess in the past it was lots of memorization and rules but this year it’ll be more inquiry based questions. It’s definitely something you should look up!</p>

<p>@basic2015 That’s great to hear because I was considering switching into honors chem. But I’m trying to get through this year with no regrets, everyone at my school always says that junior year either makes you or breaks you :)</p>

<p>I’ve heard that soooo many times!
Im actually pretty hype for junior year. By November…it might be a different story. Im pretty excited/nervous. Lol I guess I wanna make my mark.
When are y’all gonna take your SAT and ACT?</p>

<p>@Basic2015 Same!!! I’m just excited to get these tests (act/sat) over with so that I can relax senior year. I was thinking of taking both in December only because I’ve been studying for so long, I don’t want to forget the material I’ve been studying for the past few months.</p>

<p>Definitely not May or June…between AP tests, Subject Tests, and regular exams I think it’d be too much. I was thinking of taking both in January.</p>

<p>I’m still trying to decide when I take mine. Lol if I take it May and June thats when the fun stuff happens like prom. I definitely don’t want any additional stress. Im taking the PSAT in October so im thinking maybe January. Eh not sure. Are y’all taking subject tests? I didn’t know about them until I joined CC.
Ahh we’re gonna be juniors! Where did the time go?!</p>

<p>@basic2015 I’m taking the French subject test and maybe the history one. My first language was French so it’s a piece of cake (I even took the practice tests,soo easy). Although I haven’t studied for the ACT yet, have you? I figured that studying for the SAT should do it. </p>

<p>And right!!!it feels like it was just yesterday when I was making my schedule for freshman year.I feel like I’m over working myself already even though it’s only summer, but hard work pays off.</p>

<p>I’ll probably take the French one and the U.S. history one as well. French isn’t my first language, but it comes pretty easy to me so I hope to do well.</p>

<p>Just curious is this an all female group??</p>

<p>I’m a girl</p>