African-American High School Class of 2018

I noticed that we didn’t have one of these yet, so I decided to start one. Post about anything you want!

Just to get it going - what type of high school do you attend? Where are the top students going to college? My DS is in an urban school and top college placement is UCONN the state school. They also get one or two students into Yale followed by a host of liberal arts colleges.

Another question - this group was born out of the TASS 2016 one but what other precollege programs are you considering? DS is set on TASS or arts programs such as RISD so we will see when decisions are made in April.

I go to a large 2500+ Suburban high school where minorities make up 70% of the student body. It’s culturally diverse with no majority. Most kids go to UT and Texas A&M because of auto-admission or the local community college because of cost. The best students do end up going to really nice schools, but it just depends on the individual. If I don’t get into TASS, I might finish up my fourth year of TEXPREP, apply to Carnegie Mellon’s Summer Programs for Diversity, or find some other science/math camp to attend.

ayyy thanks for starting this thread lol. I go to a big public school in the suburbs as well, 2000+ students. Half are minorities, the top students end up at UGA or Emory, maybe a couple (like 3) have gotten into ivies. A lot matriculate to the local public college with a 97% accept rate lol. I dont plan to apply for TASP or TASS, but i want to apply next year for some study abroad/language immersion programs.

I go to a charter school in the urban area. It consists mainly of blacks and hispanics and mixed people but there are some whites as well. Last year , most of the seniors got into umass schools or salem state or suffolk. This year seniors are doing much better. A select amount got into ivy leagues like cornell and brown. But still, most are doing well and getting into colleges like duke, georgetown, emory, stanford etc.

@neonerudite You’re welcome! My sister plans on doing study abroad if she can get a scholarship for one of these programs. I’ve honestly always wanted to go to Turkey, Spain, and Morocco. They seem like beautiful places with a long history of prevalence.
@Intelligent08 Our school is the same way with the Seniors. Last year’s graduating class was one of the worst, but the Seniors this year are WAY better.

hey, I know nobody has replied to this in a while but there is no reason not to bump it! I go to one of the best magnet public schools in my area. There is a population of about 400-500 and almost everybody is either black or Latino. The seniors got over 20 million in scholarships as a whole last year with two people getting 1 million by themselves. Everybody goes to good colleges, for example, in 2014 a senior got into all the ivy league schools. Everybody graduates and goes to college, no exception. It’s a very academic school and kinda boring. We barely have any field trips and like three events, prom (only seniors) winter ball and the pep rally. It kinda sucks here but we’re like a family so it makes things kinda better.

Speaking of school culture, how do you all describe your’s?

Hello everyone! I go to a predominately white school. Most of the students go to ives, MIT, Stanford, WashU, etc.

Hello guys I am a black and asian male attending a very rigorous public school. One of top schools in my state.

Hey! @JLBball5

@aspiringgirl @JLBball5 Hi guys! Since we’re about to be Juniors, I’m going to try and keep this thread going and revive it when necessary.

Okay, great!

Are any of you guys looking into HBCU’s? The only three that I am looking into are Spelman, Howard and Hampton.

@aspiringgirl I’ve looked into Howard because their automatic scholarship offers are so nice. I don’t remember where I saw this, but a 32-34 on the ACT gets you a full ride, book vouchers, and a laptop. The way Ta-Nehisi Coates described his experience at Howard in his book, “Between the World and Me”, was really vibrant and inspiring. I’m still trying to figure out college environments that would fit me the best though.

@aspiringgirl i havent looked into any. Mostly i’m looking at really diverse schools w/ a lot of international students and stuff like that

Looking at Stanford currently thats my #1!

@JLBball5 It’s mine too, but the chances are so low I wouldn’t be surprised if they rejected me. Super interested in Vanderbilt and Brown too!

I’m ready for the school year to be over though. What are y’all doing for the Summer? I’m going to be at UM for TASS and will also be studying my butt off for the PSAT and Chem.

Studying for PSAT, Research at Case Western Reserve, Lifeguarding, Volunteer at Hospital, Taking Online class at Stanford, Intern for Articificial Intelligence Labs, Director at, Piano Lessons, Youth Forum Council. I have a lot of stuff to do lol @Hamlon

I am a black male at a school in Texas. It is a huge school, about 3500 kids and I am infatuated with the humanities. @JLBball5 Stanford is also my first choice. @Hamlon I will also be going to TASS, but to Cornell 1. Additioanlly, I am going to study for PSAT/SAT and will do some STEM research at Rice University for two weeks. I recently started a black peide at my school and I am becoming keen on ethnic studies.