African-American High School Class of 2018

Just wanted to add that I bookmarked this thread!

Am I the only one that tired already. I’ve only had 7 weeks of school so far…

*that is

@WinnerWannabe lol me. I’m so behind in school work and all my grades are trash. This is what I get for overloading myself :’( :’( :’(

@magnetnh, my junior DD is also searching similar criteria. What have you found? Most LACs we’ve looked into do not have digital media, but have studio art/art history.

@WinnerWannabe Nah. This year I don’t have any really challenging classes. Just a lot of busy work from clubs and orchestra rehearsals. I’ve managed to fill that time with a lot of other nonsense.

@ready2launch yes it’s sad but true about LACs and lack of digital media. We are looking at those that allow for independent study work or have exchanges with other schools or allow for great internships in that field of study. So far we like Amherst with five college exchange and course availability at Hampshire College itself. Although we may consider Hampshire as well I don’t believe is as structured and I also don’t like the lack of diversity. Trinity College has a first year program called Interarts which seems interesting. Clark University has an interdisciplinary media studies program. We will also pursue our state flagship UCONN which launched a new school and major in Digital Media Design. Not sure where you are but check it out if it interest your DD. What schools are on your list?

@magnetnh Hamilton looks intriguing. They have an Open Curriculum with a Cinema & Media major, an Art major and Digital Arts minor, and also an Interdisciplinary concentration. Sounds like there’s lots of flexibility. Virginia Commonwealth University has kinetic imaging - plus they are generous with IB credits - giving credits for SL, and even TOK! We live in NC, so UNC - Greensboro (BFAs in Studio Art and New Media & Design) and UNC School of the Arts (Animation) are on the list too. Trying to find affordable options. Still searching.

I go to a suburban high school outside of Chicago, about 1300 students. 90% white, 3% black and located in a small town of about 2700 people with the same demographic in terms of race. I have about a 3.5/4.0 (weighted) GPA and I’m really worried about (even though it’s still early in my junior year). My top schools are Spelman, Elon University, Wellesley, Smith, Bryn Mawr, UW Madison, Iowa State, and UM Ann Arbor.

@pickles123 Welcome to the thread! What type of activities are you interested in pursuing?

@Hamlon Thanks, this seems like a cool thread. I’m in my school’s concert and honors orchestra, French club, and student council.

@pickles123 Hey! I am also interested in Spelman! They only give out a few scholarships, which means that I’d have to apply to a lot of outside ones.

I feel like this might one of the few threads I could post this and there may some understanding (or maybe not). Based on the election results and recent incidents of bias at various colleges I have alerted DS to review his college list. As of now I don’t even want him to leave our state for concerns that anything could happen. It could be parental paranoia but it would crush my heart should he be subjected to some of the recent bias. Any one having similar feelings? Changing or updating your college lists?

@magnetnh I’ve pretty much made an effort to get out of the south with my college list. I know (living in Texas) that not everyone from the South has hatred beating through their hearts, but a lot of open-carry/immigrant-protesting idiots are here. They tend to gravitate toward college campuses and I can’t deal with that every week. (lookin’ at UT w/ it’s affirmative action bake sale) I’m also trying to get away from ignorance in general. It’s tiring. I’m not scared anymore of racist idiots just really annoyed and angry.

@Hamlon I second your emotion. I refuse to apply to any Texas school- not UT, nor Rice, nor any of them. @magnetnh At the same time, I do not think limiting a college list will fix racism or prevent your son from encountering it, even in his home state. I also think that college is a time to get exposed to the ebbs and flowsn of the real world, including racism. You should be alert because anything can happen at anytime to your son or any of us, so while I want to be safe, my mom wants me to be safe, and you want to be safe, neither of us can garuntee safety. I do not really want to limit myself because I am scared about what might happen. I just want to go to college, experience it, and hopefully make it through without emcountering too much racism.

@Hamlon and @univbound101 thanks for your comments and perspectives. I appreciate and you’ve provided some food for thought.

Is anybody else considering schools in California?

@thenorthstar I may apply to Stanford.

@thenorthstar I am! Currently I’m looking at Pomona, Pitzer, Occidental, USC and Stanford.

I am looking at so many schools in California. California is amazing, but I am also looking at a lot of colleges on the east coast.