African-American HS Class of 2019

I figured we should start a thread like 2018.

yes! fianlly.


Glad someone got around to making it!

Bet! I’m glad this was made. Are you all ready for senior year?

I’m so ready! Only three more weeks until we’re seniors!

Side note: Did any of you apply for the Bassett Award?


I did not.

What are you guys doing this summer?

Didn’t apply for the Basset Award either but really wish I had! @palinoia When do you find out results?

I’m doing research at a university through about half of the summer. Got rejected from most of the other summer programs I applied for so I’m rushing to find something to do to fill up the second half of summer. What are the rest of you doing?

I’m going to China this summer! I got a NSLI-Y scholarship to study Mandarin there for six weeks. I had no backup program, so I’m glad this one worked out.

@borromini That’s awesome! Do you plan on studying Mandarin/Asian Studies in college?

@1TigerJ894 @sudania I think I’ll know by Friday, but I honestly don’t think I’ll get it. This summer I applied for TASP and I’m a finalist right now, but I also doubt I’ll get that. If I don’t get TASP, I will have to email professors and try to get a research position at a lab. I have some other summer programs but I kind of want to devote this summer to learning something cool if I don’t get TASP.

@borromini That’s so cool! Tell us how it goes! I wanted to apply for NSLI-Y in China for the summer after senior year.

@sudania Thanks! I actually plan to study art history in college, but I think I’ll specialize in Chinese art.

@palinoia I really hope you get TASP! I know that would be an incredible experience. Either way, I’m sure you’ll have a great summer.

Guys, look into the Ron Brown Scholar Guided Pathway Support Program for black rising juniors/seniors. I just found out about it. They have rolling admissions (deadline June 30) and the next wave of results come out April 30th. The application is really short and simple! Not sure how competitive it is but worth a shot:

Got into the program! Did anyone else apply?

@sudania i just got accepted to it today!!

@pandaboy123 Congrats! I just found out the program doesn’t actually start until August. For some reason I thought it would be over the summer (although August is still summer break for some people).

@sudania ohhhhhhh august fr? i thought it would start this summer too, how did you find out? and ive been here waiting for another email from them lmaooo

@pandaboy123 They sent an email to parents in early June saying that “all accepted students will be invited to our GPS Program online college access community for the 2018 College Journey Kickoff Webinar scheduled for launch on September 20, 2018” – so it actually starts later than August : / I was waiting for something from them since April haha

Hello, I am here :slight_smile: