African-American HS Class of 2020

College journey starts

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Indeed! You ready?

Why isn’t there more of us in this forum.

Present! Speaking of college, what are you guys’ top college choices? Any HBCU’s or just PWI’s? Im looking at UGA, NC State, Uni of SC, ECU and possibly A&T!

Checking in.

I am also watching this thread on behalf of my son.

My son has already started his applications for both the Common App and the Black Common App and his list is all over the place (Morehouse, Howard, Georgia Tech, Tulane, Alabama A&M, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, North Carolina A&T, and Clark Atlanta University being his early primary list). Good luck during Application season to all of the students on this thread.

My son is just beginning the ComApp process. Like ChangeTheGame, my son is all over the figurative map. NC State, Howard, Elon, American, Fordham, most NC public universities for safeties, Richmond, VCU, Hampton, George Washington, Bentley, Wooster, Boston U, Miami, Hofstra, Davidson and others. His shoot-for-the-moon reaches are Duke, Georgetown, NYU, Brown, and Emory – but he knows those are not likely to happen.

He has really gotten into the hunt. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him this involved with anything. We’ve visited more than 15 campuses, with about 6 being official visits. If plans don’t fall through, we’ll probably see another 10-15 campuses before November 1.

He has cousins who are seniors at Wellesley and UNC-G. He’s heard their tales of college and he’s raring to get through his last year of HS and get on with college.

I’m trying to take the ACT in sept

Hi everyone! Another parent here ?. My son is planning on majoring in computer engineering.

@wassupbrina his list is Nc A&T, NC state, Lafayette, possibly John Hopkins- he is waiting to hear back from a fly in application. Columbia, duke and his super reach school- MIT.

@iamkel- he just took the SAT this past Saturday(first time) and will also be retaking the ACT in Sep.
Good Luck to everyone on this thread! I am rooting for all of you!

Regarding colleges consider the student exchange programs that allow students both experiences. I am a native New Yorker and graduated from THE Xavier University of Louisiana. We have such strong relationships with the Top 50 Medical schools in the nation that our black [80%] and asian [10% asian and 10% nonblack] students can attend XULA, exchange a semester at a partner school for XULA tuition and come back to get XULA education and preparation. Check out our professors CVs as well. Our PHD holding teachers all come from prestigious institutions just like XULA including dept chairs that are Ivy League. The exchange can be both domestic schools or international. So it shouldn’t be about PWI vs HBCU rather than what is the best school that could provide the best cultivating experience and education for the major of interest before this young scholar hits the real world.always keep in mind the tv show A Different World and how powerful it is to be on a campus where you are wholeheartedly supported to be your best, celebrated and not just tolerated. Apply to XULA!!

Update: My son has decided to make cuts to his list and he is down to only 8 schools that he is truly considering attending which include Morehouse, Howard, NC&AT, Georgia Tech, Tuskegee, Alabama A&M, Clark Atlanta and Tulane and he will be submitting the applications for the 5 Common App schools (Morehouse, Howard, NC&AT, Georgia Tech, and Tulane) this week. He will be done with application season unless he decides to add other schools later. My son received his 1st acceptance (Alabama A&M) last week.

@MedicalSLP, my daughter got a full ride offer to attend XULA, but ended up choosing another HBCU although XULA was in the final running. I wish that XULA was on my son’s final list, but he just didn’t like the campus enough when we visited several times. Your suggestion is somewhat similar to what my son is wanting to do (3/2 program between Morehouse and Georgia Tech with a final degree in Computer Science from Morehouse and Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech).

Parent here and my son is trying to add more colleges to his list. He is open to a wider range than when I did this with my daughter, so we are really trying to narrow down to 2 safeties, 3 matches, and 2 reaches.

He is a student athlete (football & basketball ) which may throw a wrench in things as well. So far he will definitely apply to Auburn, Morehouse, and Howard. He took the SAT in the spring (1160) and just retook it Saturday. He is taking the ACT the end of this month. Good luck everyone!

I’m applying for computer engineering and plan on applying to 15 schools, 3 of them being in the UK.

Hello wonderful people!! Parent here. So my daughter has 2 schools that she plans to apply to early action. Howard University and U Chicago. We had really gotten a great head start to everything. She had her ACT done with the score she wanted by the end of junior year and already had letters of recommendations. She has her supplemental essay for U Chicago but is struggling to finish her Common App personal statement. We’re down to the wire. Our goal was to have all essays completed this summer but we did some unexpected traveling and other things. Her deadline is November 1 and I told her she has to finish this weekend.

What schools are we all applying to?

Hi! My daughter applied to UMichigan, UChicago, UIUC and U Wisconsin-Madison.
She is considering more for RD.

Is she doing ED for UChicago?

Hi HS Class of 2020, My DD has now completed her applications to ALL of her Colleges either ED or EA, including the FAFSA/CSS apps. She has no RD colleges on her list (SCARY). She is a very data driven type teen so there was literally no emotional aspects to her list. She has visited most of the campuses on her list and created custom spreadsheets galore, YES with pivot tables (SCARY). So if you are interested in Data-driven website links/resources from a Black students perspective let me know and I will post them. Keeping in mind that this will offend many on CC who think it is racists for Black parents and students to view the college admissions process differently than the many white parents that â– â– â– â– â–  these CC posts hourly in search of admissions-bias PC offenders.

Your chances of being accepted to a school of choice if you fall within the GPA/SAT 25%-75% range increases dramatically applying ED or EA if you are a “BLACK” student. It is even higher if your GPA/SAT stats fall above the median/average range of entering freshman. The CC PC police will say we know this already, why use the word “Black”, because the number of Blacks applying ED/EA is tiny, miniscule compared to all other ethnic groups. And that is who you are competing with for the admissions seat. Thank you “Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. Harvard” for all of the released depositions that confirmed our admissions experiences.

Hello Class of 2020 and fellow parents. I’m embarrassed to say that we completed 4 EA applications on the November 1st deadline at 10:48 pm. That was an experience!! The schools are Howard University, U Chicago, Temple, and Northeastern. She’s got about 5 schools for RD. But I’m hoping she’ll get admitted and a nice financial aid package from Howard. That’s where I really want her to go. She’s just so hung up on U Chicago because of the “prestige”. But I took her to Howard’s Homecoming, and she was completely amazed. So I think I’ve got her hooked. Good luck to everyone. Until then, let the nail biting began?

@MomOfThree80 , my dd is doing ED for UChicago
She told me that she can see herself there. I’m a bit nervous because it’s super competitive.

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