African-American Ivy Leaguers

<p>If you have been accepted into an ivy league could you give your stats? Also your experience with that particular college. Words of caution, I'm not looking to discriminate against minority status, I'm just curious to see how strong its influence could have been.</p>

<p>read this:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>eating food: great minds think alike. lmao, I was thinking the same thing.</p>

<p>ya I checked that thread out. thanks. =)</p>

<p>I just got into Dartmouth! Yes!</p>

<p>yay! congratulations on getting off the waiting list!</p>

<p>got into dartmouth ed. I think I posted in the actual results thread but I dont remember. And congrats Emek, you made a great choice!</p>

<p>I’m a junior, but I want to attend Columbia University. My older cousin got into Cornell. 4.0 GPA, the rest I do not know. His school does offer AP, but I don’t know if he was in it or not. He’s also one of the valedictorians at his school. He got the Coca-Cola scholarship as well.</p>