After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

8/29: Apply Texas completed
Top 10%
Engineering (Major shows “Engineering review” in AIS)
9/17: 6 tabs


8/2- apply Texas submitted
8/16-SRAR submitted
8-17- app in review
Top 10% (36/about 600)
In-state (college station native$
Liberal arts- Sociology
9/17: 6 tabs


Application complete and in review 9/7

In State Top 10% Class rank 76 out of 794

6 tabs: 9/17/2021

Major: Visualization


I’ve got a current Aggie, but I’m helping a friend with a daughter who has applied. She is Top Ten%, has 6 tabs. Has anyone gotten formal acceptance yet? Does it come across on Howdy, via email? My student did it all, so I honestly don’t remember! I want my friend to be on top of paying Housing deposit. Thanks!

I believe they’ll get an email too, but yes it’ll show up on AIS and Howdy!

“Whoop, You’ve been admitted!”

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How much is the housing deposit? My daughter isn’t actually going to decide which of the 4 schools she is going to enroll at until close to decision day. The other schools she is applying at don’t have this issue with housing selection being so limited. We have toured the dorms at all the schools and the only dorm options at TAMU that she really likes and are comparable to the other schools dorms would be Hullaballoo and White Creek apartments. We looked at the honors dorms at TAMU and they are all doubles. My daughter is not keen on a double dorm room. But will if she has to. The other schools have the dorms set up more apartment style with private bedrooms, not singles, they have roomates, 2-4 bedrooms with doors, with a shared bathroom and small living room. So we do want early pick I guess because she wants Hullaballo or White Creek if she enrolls at TAMU but we aren’t keen on paying a deposit before she’s made a decision.

I believe it’s $75.

White creek has a great apartment layout. Single bedrooms and bathrooms too if she wants that. My son was in a 4x2 so shared a bathroom. The kitchen was perfect and cute little living room.

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@martinezcs $75 non refundable. If you don’t pay 1st or 2nd day of earliest acceptance, you can kiss a shot at a single or single suite goodbye in Hullabaloo. White Creek will be available. Pay the deposit to have options.


@martinezcs many schools allow housing deposits to be made when applications are submitted (which is a total money maker for the schools!). Just make sure the other schools your student is interested in don’t need/require deposits. We didn’t find any schools that didn’t.

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Hi Christie – where do we sign up for New Student Conferences once that opens? Thanks for the direction. Appreciate your help!

This gives you all the details of what to do!!

Dates are not open yet.

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I understand. The difference is the others she is looking at have better dorms as the norm. So it isn’t an issue to get into one or two particular buildings to avoid the others. $75 is fine. We will do that. SMU’s deposit is $500. UTD’s freshman dorms are all the identical-3 roommates- each with a private bedroom and a shared bathroom and small living room. No doubles. No communal bathrooms. ASU Barrett Honors College dorm is really nice too and there isn’t limited space. It’s residential and they are required to live in it and all the options are nice. So there isn’t a rush to get first pick.

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@martinezcs agree that A&M’s dorms definitely aren’t the greatest, compared to many schools. That’s why it is imperative to pay the $75 Housing fee, to have the best selection time in the spring, if your student chooses A&M.
Another tidbit, since you mentioned Honors housing. If your student is interested in the Honors program, at A&M, I HIGHLY suggest the college/major specific honors program over UH (University Honors). I think your student is Viz? So that would be Architecture Honors, which I believe requires a separate application. You should be able to Google it for more information. Most have a timeline for applying, so don’t miss it. Definitely college/major honors program over UH, if that is something they’re interested in applying for.

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Why? Thanks.

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UH requires living in Lechner & McFadden, can’t pick your room or roommate. The program is a lot of ‘busy work’ & a point system, many students drop out after the first year or two, often you have to ask professors to ‘make’ classes honors sections, in order to fulfill enough honors requirements-and professors don’t have to. UH doesn’t notify applicants until April, which messes up dorm selection. Last year obviously not enough applied, because they sent out an email to most students asking them to apply (no other honors program solicits applicants).
Major/college specific programs are geared specifically for your exact major. You still get early registration, your advisors are for your specific major, smaller classes, no required dorm.


Some may love UH, but my student says they don’t know a soul who is still in it, that started as a freshman. They don’t know anyone who has dropped out of Business/Engineering/Liberal Arts etc Honors programs. Just being honest.
Night & day differences between the programs.


Good to know. Thank you. I had heard UH wasn’t worth it. I didn’t know architecture had one. Will check that out.

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Appears that may be an older application, so once acceptance is a done deal, dig around on the website, contact dept.

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8/1- Apply Texas submitted
8/16-SRAR submitted
Top 10%
Major: Business
9/17: 6 tabs

Waiting on official email


Undergraduate Tuition Rate Code Selection

The Howdy checklist item for my daughter wants us to choose a tuition rate. Any advice on this choice?