After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

I agree… casual and comfy. It’s hot as heck. Lots of walking and sitting. Cold auditorium and dining so if cold nature, tuck a coverup in your purse. Check weather for rain too.

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Definitely casual! A&M shirt & shorts/leggings/Lululemon skirt will be the wardrobe choice for 98% of the females.
Everyone always says it’s chilly inside Rudder; I’m hot natured, and never found it chilly at all.
I took a small tote bag-for my purse, to carry stuff we picked up along the way (lots of flyers, handouts, freebies).

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Daughter received departmental scholarship! $1000 :tada:
College of architecture, visualization major.

@martinezcs that’s awesome…and absolutely not the norm! Not sure I’ve ever heard of an incoming freshman get a departmental award. Wow!!

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My freshman also received a departmental scholarship – geology major.


Wow!! That’s awesome…and absolutely not the norm. Be sure your student checks TAMU email daily.

@martinezcs & @hockeymom987 Once school starts, your students should receive instruction on how to submit thank you notes.
Every scholarship/award is different, most require mandatory ‘thank you’ notes (not all do). If required, they need to pay close attention to the details. My Aggie has had to attend a scholarship banquet (pre-Covid), walk her note to a random building one specific day, handed her note to advisor, etc.
If required, and ‘thank you’ isn’t submitted properly & on time, it can & will be revoked. There won’t be multiple reminders sent, usually just the one award email.
Be sure to send some nice personalized stationery/note cards and stamps with your student.


Hi, are dad’s allowed to help their daughters move into the all girl dorms? Just want to make sure my husband will be able to help.

@TMHudson yes! Dad’s, brothers, siblings, anyone!
Just be prepared-only Hullabaloo & White Creek have elevators. Be strategic when packing your car. Make sure a floor fan, cleaning supplies and cooler with chilled drinks come out first. Highly recommend packing in blue IKEA bags-so easy to carry and stack in a car.
It will be brutally hot & humid, being strategic is key!

Thank you! Our move in time is not until 6pm. She is on the 2nd floor. We got a hotel room that night. Got a lot of ikea bags etc. Do you know if it’s more crowded at night?
The rooms are dirty?

Sounds like you have it under control. I don’t know what the busy times are any more but being they spaced everyone out, it should be fine.

And room are clean but could be some dust and such.

Okay thank you. :blush:

@TMHudson our move in time was 5:00, in 2019, and it was 103. It’ll still be hot at 6:00.
Rooms may or may not be ‘clean’. They shouldn’t be gross, but they’ve been sitting empty all summer, so definitely dusty & stuffy. I’d wipe down mattress, sink, potty, tops of furniture, etc. Highly recommend bringing a thing of Draino, too. Thankfully we also spent the night, and at 2:00 a.m. I got a frantic text saying the shower didn’t drain…at all. I was able to place an online order for Draino at Target, and we picked it up when they opened (the stores are crazy crowded). It took 2 full bottles of Draino to clear the shower & sink🤢
Be sure to bring a small tool kit, which includes a rubber mallet for lofting the bed:

Same. I think the only issue is the bathrooms. For example my daughter is in Davis Gary with the community style bathroom rather than a suite style bathrooms. I read somewhere that male visitors have to go to Hullabaloo next door to use the bathroom.

@martinezcs for sure bring Draino and/or a drain snake, since DG is all female. Maybe maintenance takes better care of community showers, but I bet the room sink will not drain well.

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Good idea. I know we put a shower hair catcher over the drain of my daughter’s shower after the last time I snaked it. :nauseated_face:

Trust me, the Hullabaloo shower was awful. First shower, water was standing over their ankles, took TWO bottles to clear it.
Community bathrooms are different, since they’re cleaned daily; they might keep them cleaner. But I guarantee the room sink will be gross. Just send a bottle…

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17 days 'til we move our son in! AAAAAAAAAA!


So exciting. It’s going to be a great year!

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Does anyone know if my daughter placed in business calculus math 142 does she have to take that or can she still take math 140? Her major is communications. She would prefer the easier one if available. Her advisor has not responded.

Also how do we find out if her AP credits were accepted. Can’t find that either.

She was in performance studies as her major but is changing it to communications so she has to change multiple classes.

Thank you!

She has to take 2 maths for her degree, so she can take 140 and then 142 or start with 142 where most can’t.

Did she accept AP credit with advisor at NSC?