After reading some posts, I feel deceived by my college counselor!

<p>She pretty much forced me to attach my resume to my Common App, and little did I know that Penn wouldn't like that (I assumed my counselor only wants the best for me, right?) I'm having a little attack over this. I don't know what to do. There's no taking it back now.</p>

<p>Penn doesn’t like that?
I didn’t know that, haha.</p>

<p>Anyways, it probably won’t make or break your acceptance, right?</p>

<p>it won’t kill you</p>

<p>why do you feel that way? Most CC students have attached an “Activity List” under Additional Information section. Did you create a resume vs an Activity List? </p>

<p>Don’t worry, as mysterious as the process is, no one element of your application will sway the decision; especially one related to supplementary information. Don’t sweat it. </p>

<p>Are there other kids applying from your school to Penn? If she advised them all to do it, then it shouldn’t matter at all.</p>

<p>It was my resume. It’s pretty much always been a sort of “tradition” or set thing to send your resume with your college applications. </p>

<p>Only me and another girl applied ED to Penn, and we both sent resumes, so I guess it doesn’t matter. </p>

<p>Haha I’m sorry, someone posted on this forum that like Penn would pretty much trash your app if they saw a resume was attached.</p>

<p>I think your college counselor wants to sabotage you. I mean, he/she is there working in high school, “trying to get you to a good school so you could have a good future.” They are not your parent, kid. Imagine if you were them: Dead end job, and you are helping these kids to become future millionaires. It sucks.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t doubt it. Thanks guyssss.</p>

<p>Wow I sent a resume too…oh man :(</p>

<p>honestly though why would penn care if someone attaches a resume or not? if they “despise” them so much, then they can simply ignore them and not read them.</p>

<p>my friends who attached a resume and got in. it’s really no big of a deal</p>

<p>since when is attaching a resume bad</p>

<p>i attached a resume, too. and i got an extra recommendation. so don’t worry, you’re not as screwed as i am. hahaha.</p>

<p>I got an extra rec too…is that ALSO bad? ■■■■…</p>

<p>None of this stuff will hurt you guys. Just calm down. And if the extra recs say different things then the others they can actually help. If they are the same info they’ll just ignore them, as with all superfluous information.</p>

<p>i attached a resume too, and so did the other 20 people from my school who applied ED…don’t worry!!
umm. extra recs…how do we know if Penn got them?</p>

<p>As long as your resumes weren’t more than 2 pages long, it’s good.
And that Extra Rec better have been outside of school, otherwise then you’re screwed.
They don’t want to hear 3 different teachers talk about academics since they tend to be the same stuff over and over again.</p>

<p>They really don’t need anymore paper than they request, however if you switched schools or had special circumstances, that woud probably be acceptable. Like a guidance counselor from your first school or if you did a mentoring project. Are we talking resume or uploading a list of ecs, activities etc or a real resume?</p>

<p>my rec was from a penn person, so i’m good. but…how do i know if the admissions office got it? should i call?</p>

<p>Yea I definitely sent a resume to Penn. I can just see them finding it and looking down at my smiling face and being like, that’s it this kid’s definitely rejected.</p>

<p>Don’t worry guys, as long as the information isn’t repetitive or like allbusiness said, superfluous, it’s ok. They do want a complete picture of you, so if the supplemental information was pertinent then it’s no problem. I attached an additional “activities resume” too so they’d get a better idea of the things I’ve done.</p>