After the weed-out courses ... will it get better?

<p>I go to a very large state university and admissions into a lot of the departments is very competitive. My first quarter in college, I got didn't do well at all in my pre-Engineering courses. I got a 2.4 in Chem 1 and a 1.8 in Calc 2. Now, I switched into Business (Accounting), which is even more difficult to get into.</p>

<p>Average Stats of applicants that were actually admitted:
Cumulative GPA: 3.5-3.6
Pre-application courses GPA: 3.71</p>

<p>My Cumulative GPA: 3.23 (b/c of Chem 1, Calc 2)
My Pre-app GPA: 3.70</p>

<p>Pre-app courses for Business/My grade:
Intro to Micro (or Macro as an alt.); 3.7
Business Calc (or Calc 1); AP Credit (Calc 1)
English Composition; 3.7
Financial Accounting; Not yet taken</p>

<p>Grade Distribution: <a href=""&gt;;/a> A=3.9-4.0; A-=3.5-3.8</p>

<p>The material is not hard to learn. It's just the curves are tough. Like in Micro the median was set to a 3.0 (can range from a 2.8-3.1). I'm also taking Macro next quarter, and I can take another English Comp in order to try to bump my GPA above a 3.7 in addition to the Financial Accounting course I have to take. If I survive through these weed-out courses and actually get into the Business School will it get better?</p>


<p>Wait. You have access to the grade distributions and you can ask current business majors at UW about their experience. Both of these are more accurate than any broad generalizations that we could contribute. Why are you asking us?</p>

<p>Once you’re in the business school, you’ll probably be taking classes like business law, marketing, finance, operations and information systems, management, etc. There will probably be people who are majoring in those and so might have an advantage from a knowledge standpoint, or might just put in more work since that’s their major. You’ll have to keep up with them to be at the top, even if it’s not an accounting class.</p>

<p>Sounds like it does get easier though, since they simply need a way to narrow down the large amount of people looking to get into the business school, hence the tough curve. </p>

<p>Regarding accounting, have you taken an accounting class or looked through an accounting book before? It seems great because it’s relatively easy to get a job compared to some other majors, but it’s definitely tedious stuff and you might quickly grow to dislike it. I did well in an accounting class I took last semester, but could not bring myself to work on the optional problem sets, and always studied for exams the day before.</p>