Aggie Class of 2024.. advice before you hit submit on application

@GermanPancakes please go to Facebook and look at the post today on
Wendy Andreen, PhD-College and Career Planning page. She has a very detailed, specific post about TAMU applying, and the changes everyone needs to make note of. Please see this post before submitting anything.
(CC won’t allow me to attach the link)

Super helpful @52AG82 They are moving towards a California process it seems on transcripts. Might make it easier for them to speed things along. Here are the details.
@GermanPancakes forget what I said… read this. You can start the application process, just don’t hit submit til you have the transcript handy. Hopefully your school will get them out sooner than later.

All freshmen applicants must complete a SRAR with a few exceptions.* Applicants create the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) using their official high school transcript. The SRAR lists the courses and associated grades that have been completed, or will be completed, for high school and/or college credit. It replaces the high school transcripts used by the Office of Admissions during the initial admission process in most cases. Applicants will enter their courses, grades, class rank (if provided on transcript), weighted GPA, and graduation plan in the SRAR. Since accuracy is critical, you must have a copy of your high school transcript available to use as a reference when you create your SRAR. The SRAR cannot be submitted prior to the application but you can and should work on it as soon as possible. It must be submitted and linked with your application by December 15.

*All freshmen applicants must complete the SRAR except the following:
Applicants not completing high school in the U.S.
GED graduates
Students who have already graduated from high school

If a rank is not provided by the high school for students to enter in their SRAR a rank will be assigned.

So the student must wait for official high school transcript with rank, correct ?

Wendy Andreen, PhD page is always spot on, factual. She’s a former high school counselor, really knows her stuff .
This year is already different than last years applying.
Whew! Thankfully my daughter starts TAMU in August!
@GermanPancakes shame on your school, for not having all needed transcript info by June 1, for rising seniors. That is really bad, and honestly unacceptable.

@52AG82 At our large ISD, Jr.s could submit requests for final transcripts after May 15 of their Jr year and pick them up from the ISD office or have them mailed to them beginning the second Monday of June when transcripts are certified for the state. I don’t know if June 1 would be possible, since some schools are not out until first part of June but it would seem that schools could get it done faster. Maybe those schools need a wake up call for their students to be able to apply to competitive universities. Mays won’t fill up by August but with only 250 students, visualization may.

Yes, @Thelma2 , I did mean by early-mid June. Truly, it is inexcusable to not provide a transcript for rising Seniors by end of June, in the state of Texas. With more & more schools opening application process July 1 & August 1, every student should be able to get their transcript. We’re in a very large district & school, and our counselors make the transcripts available by June 10th.

Are letters of recommendation sent with the application? My letters won’t be ready until the fall when school starts, but the rest of my application should be done. Do I submit it or wait for those letters?

Since letters of recommendation are optional, I would not wait on them. Go ahead and submit your application. When you have the letters, you will be able to upload them through your Howdy portal. Also, don’t send more than 2 LOR - they will only look at the first 2 sent.

Working on ApplyTexas app with daughter and we have a few questions…

  1. When entering activities, are members only groups like NHS and Mu Alpha Theta considered elected activities? How about cheerleading or roles in a musical?
  2. Should she check that she is interested in info about Blinn Team as an auto-admit? Hate to say no, just in case. Right now she has "don't know" selected.
  3. We will have other opportunities to apply for scholarships, right, or will bypassing that right now hurt her later?

Thank you!

@robmom2 The Blinn Team question is for survey purposes. Auto admits are not considered for it as an admission decision but all review applicants that are not offered full admission to College Station, will be considered for Blinn Team regardless of whether they check yes or no on the application.

Elected Activities I would think means leadership positions that one is elected to by a student body or organization members. Does it give you the option of Elected/Appointed positions/Activities? That is confusing.

NHS is an extra curricular, as is cheerleading. An office within those organizations would be an elected activity.

As to the scholarships via the application, from what I recall, and it has been several years since I saw the application, is that once sent, that is it, so you won’t be able to go back and redo it on the application.

If she is an auto admit then no need to worry about blinn team info. As for all elective/extra curricular… put down everything!!!

I have no idea about scholarship question, lol, my kids were just happy to get into tamu!

Oh elected means they were elected to the position. Like officer roles. I would say a role in the school musical could qualify. Just being a member of nhs is an extra curricular but not an elected position unless she holds a position.

@Thelma2 and @AggieMomhelp Thank you so much!!

But for the letters, if they look at your application during the summer and they aren’t there, and you put them in the portal when school starts, will that impact your decision? Letters usually help, so shouldn’t they be sent in relatively at the same time as the application?

@cooldude234 unless you are auto or academic, they won’t even start reviewing your app til after sept 1st (at the earliest). If holistic review, your app will be reviewed in entirety twice. Complete your app -and add supporting docs as acquired. LORs are not required nor do they have a huge impact. More like if you are right on the bubble of bubbles.

Question, since the scholarship section is part of the application, does admission review this section also in making a decision on admission ? Or does it go straight to the scholarship department?

Has anyone completed the SRAR without access to their transcript? My daughter’s transcript won’t be ready until the end of the month but I’d like her to get started. She has access to almost everything she needs, but the ranking questions confuse us both. Best to wait?

The powers that be are saying it’s Best to wait. Complete as much as you can til then.

Thank you @AggieMomhelp!

If an OOS student meets or exceeds the minimum test scores required to qualify for an “Academic Admit”, is that an automatic admission?