<p>Hey guys, some of you may have seen this before, I did post in other threads I promise this is the last one ; ) most of this stuff have been updated. Im lookin at the ivies, especially the big H. Thanks!</p>
Suburban Public
GPA: 3.9 UW
SAT1: 750 R, 780 M, 720 W
SATII: 800 Math IIC, 780 US, 720 Bio E, 710 Math IC, 670 Chem</p>
<p>National AP Scholar (Chem, Calc BC, Bio, Stat, Physics E&M, Physics Mech, Lang & Comp, US Hist, Euro Hist)</p>
<p>~School Stuff~</p>
<p>Founder/Editor in Chief of School Science journal (online)
Founder/President community music performance group (Does fundraising concerts etc.)
President Mock Trial Team
Captain Model UN (outstanding delegate..and other awards like that)
Captain Varsity Debate (District Champion and ranked 8th in state; PHSSL)
Captain Academic Competition Team (District Champions, 7th in State)
Leadership in a couple other clubs but not as important</p>
<p>Full Scholarship Winner at Southeastern Piano Competition
Juilliard Summer Music Academy in Leipzig, Germany (Program picks 70 conservatory students from around the world, 15 pianists; youngest participant in history of program, selected at age 14)
From the Top Radio Show Featured Pianist
Steinway Peace Piano Ambassador (interviewed by Jill Pasternak on NPR)
On Board of Directors at my music school
Bronze Medalist at the highest division of competition at the World Piano Comp
Solo performances at Carnegie Hall, Kimmel Center, Kennedy Center etc
Master Classes with...a lot of people (one is a Harvard Professor)</p>
<p>RSI Alternate
Internship at Jefferson Hospital of Neuroscience in Philly
Studying the relationship between sex hormones and cognitive decline
Partnership with cancer research team at the University of Turku in Finland looking at androgen deprived cells
One project is getting ready to be submitted for publishing and two others will soon follow
Invited to National Alzheimer's Association Convention in D.C</p>
<p>Chinese orphanage work in rural China
Establishing a Clinical Internship Program bringing students in America to work in Chinese hospitals (Shanghai Children Hospital working with me on project)</p>
<p>Silver Medalist PA Student journalism comp for article on Nazi/KKK rally in Valley Forge park
Johns Hopkins Study for Exceptional Talent Newsletter Featured Article ("My Journey to the Birthplace of Music")
Published short story in Stone Soup National Childrens Magazine </p>
<p>Sorry for the long post guys...THANKS!</p>