ahh the joys of standardized testing

<p>so here's the deal..I took the SAT and got a crap score (2110, writing was 790, math was horrible), but got over 760 on all 4 SAT IIs I took. I took the SAT twice, could not improve, then got sick of it and took the ACT and scored a composite 35. Since I have to send both because harvard wants SAT IIs, will they disregard my low SAT in favor of my ACT, or will that score hurt me (I also got a 42/45 IB diploma)?</p>


<p>Yes. They will look at the ACT. If one of your SAT2s is math that will probably count in your favor too.</p>

<p>I think that you are in good standing. You could always retake the SAT’s, but I think that your ACT score is enough standardized testing. When they are past a certain threshold (lets say 34 ACT and 2250 SAT), then it comes down to the rest of your application. </p>

<p>I know that there is no “threshold,” but I am just considering it in the mind of a admissions officer.</p>

<p>Wow 35 ACT, you’re fine. Trying to improve anymore and you’re just wasting your time because standardized tests are not everything</p>

<p>To a great extent, scoring very high on the SAT’s is a matter of luck: the difference between a 750 an an 800 comes down to 1-3 questions out of 40. So on the SAT’s maybe your pencil slipped or something… not a big deal. Harvard admissions people, of all people, understand this so you really shouldn’t worry. I sense that any top tier school you apply to is going to look past your entry-level testing to look at what can really do. Let’s be honest: the topics tested on an SAT/ACT are certainly not the same topics your Harvard education will rely on. Don’t waste your time :)</p>

<p>I’m sure you’ve been looking at the admissions cycle for 2012. That’s a relatively bad idea. Last year was the peak of applicants and this year will be on the decrease. Furthermore, 2012 was notorious for colleges using the insane number of applicants to experiment with different admissions strategies. I would look at 2010-2011 data first before you panic about your godly test scores :)</p>

<p>Yes, they will only use your great ACT score. Along with your SAT IIs, you are in excellent shape.</p>

<p>wow thanks everyone, it’s good to know that I don’t have to worry about those things anymore. Now to move on to the rest of the stuff hehe…</p>

<p>@ Muddslinger, what you said about 2012 is interesting, I was unaware that it was such an insane year. How did you learn about it? why was it so much harder than other years?</p>