ahhh scheduling...

<p>hey i noticed a lot of you are setting up schedules for next year right around now and have been making some threads, so let's post 'em here and discuss! :)</p>

<p>For me:
IB English HL
IB Physics HL
IB French SL
IB Theory of Knowledge Sr.
IB Math Studies SL
IB History of the Americas HL
AP Psychology
AP Calculus (Not sure if it's A/B or B/C, course sheet doesn't say?)
Phys. Ed.</p>

<p>pre calc
ap calc ab
ap chem
ap world history
honors english (cant take ap english. dam school)
french 1
french 2
ap physics b
ap physics c (maybe)</p>

<p>LOL I’m going to need a prayer group to get the schedule I want and to survive it. (Yes, you may pray to FSM if that floats your boat.) Still working on this, so it might change.</p>

AP Chemistry (Advanced)
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Galaxies and Cosmology
AP US History
AP European History
American Studies
Graph Theory
Combinatorics and Game Theory
Number Theory
Independent Math Study (Probably Linear Algebra)
Independent Math Study (Probably Differential Equations)
Varsity Sports (PE)
PHI 340 Ethics in Science
Junior Student Life</p>

<p>Graph Theory+Combinatorics and Game Theory=MA 416 at local university
Astrophysics+ Galaxies and Cosmology=PY123+PY125 at local university</p>

<p>Trimesters FTW!</p>

<p>IB English IV HL
IB Physics II HL
IB 20th Century World Topics HL
IB Spanish B SL
IB Theory of Knowledge Senior
AP Environmental Science
AP Statistics
Jazz Band
Calculus III MA 242 (@NCSU)
Differential Equations MA 341 (@NCSU)
Linear Algebra MA 405 (@NCSU)</p>

<p>Not entirely sure about the college courses yet, but it’s pretty probable.</p>

<p>For 10th Grade (If I don’t get into boarding school and have to stay at my current school)
AP World History
Honors Chemistry
Study Hall
Spanish 3
Humanities (Semester Course)
Comparative Religion (Semester Course)
Honors English 10
Algebra 2 and Trigonometry (Honors)</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP Studio Art 2d (photo)
AP Gov/Honors Econ
AP English Lit
Ap Calc (AB or BC?)

<p>w/ science over the summer and possibly honors psych and sociology</p>


<p>AP Bio
AP Gov/Honors Econ
AP English Lit
Ap Calc (AB most likely)


<p>AP Physics
AP Gov/Honors Econ
AP English Lit
Ap Calc (AB)

<p>At my school seniors only need five periods and normally our schedules only have 6.
Yearbook takes about 25-45 hours a week (depending on deadlines and stuff)(I am the editor in chief)
AP CALC AB and BC are combined so we choose which test we take but you mostly have to self-study BC. Math isn’t my strong suit. I am an artsy/english type person.</p>

<p>Any feedback?</p>

<p>If you aren’t a math/science person, I would strongly recommend A or B.</p>

<p>Junior (my school sucks as a forwarning)</p>

<p>Symphonic/Marching/Pep Band
Honors English (Maybe AP online, school won’t let Juniors take AP)
AP Bio
LDS Seminary
Honors Precalc (Damn school district before this one wouldn’t let me get one more year ahead.)
Health (required) </p>

Maybe Online PE (Have to have the stupid credit)
Maybe Online Music Theory Class
Maybe Online AP Envior Science or Chem </p>


<p>Senior Year:
[ul][<em>]GCE A-Level Maths
[</em>]GCE A-Level Biology
[<em>]GCE A-Level Chemistry
[</em>]GCE A-Level History
[<em>]GCE AS-Level English Literature
[</em>]French 4 Honors
[<em>]Computing for College and Careers (Graduation Requirement - FLVS)
[</em>]AP Art History
[<em>]Study Hall (Senior Year => Relaxation.)
[</em>]AP Computer Science A (FLVS)
[<em>]AP Physics C (Mechanics and E/M)</em>
[<em>]AP Psychology</em>
<a href=“NOTE:%20%5BB%5D*%5B/B%5D%20denotes%20self-studying.”>/list</a></p>

<p>Meanwhile, at FIU (yay, Dual Enrollment):
[list][<em>]Multivariable Calculus (Fall Semester)
[</em>]Differential Equations (Spring Semester)
[li]Something else here…not sure what, though, yet.[/li][/ul]</p>

<p>I feel like an underachiever here! Too bad my school doesn’t offer many APs</p>

<p>AP Bio
AP Language
AP Calc
College- Level French
Government Internship
Women’s Choir
Chamber Choir (?)</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP Psych
AP Calc BC
AP English Lit
AP Biology OR AP Physics (depending on whether AP Bio is offered next year)
Creative Writing (1 semester)
World Lit (1 semester)
Sociology (1 semester)
Ceramics 1 (1 semester)
Self Defense (mandatory gym, 1 semester)
Team Sports (mandatory gym, 1 semester)</p>

<p>I hate that three years of gym is a graduation requirement at my school. Without that I could fit French 5 Honors in easily.</p>

<p>oh yeah my first post was for my senior year</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP Chem (if it doesn’t work with my schedule I’ll take AP Bio)
AP French
AP English Lit
AP Psych
AP Calc AB
Government Honors (1 sem)
Consumer Ed (1 sem)
Dance II</p>

<p>Junior Year:
AP Language and Composition
Honors Spanish IV
AP Environmental Science
Dual Credit Pre-Calculus
Word Processing</p>

<p>10th grade Next year</p>

<p>AP World History
Pre AP Geometry
Pre AP Bio
Pre AP English

<p>Hopefully taking US History at my local University if I get well enough ACT scores.</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP Gov/Economics
AP Lang
AP Bio
AP Calc AB

<p>OR (if my administrator decides that AP Gov and AP Pol just HAVE to be taken together)</p>

<p>AP Gov/Pol
AP Lang
AP Bio
AP Calc AB
Economics/ some other pointless semester class</p>

<p>^^how many periods do you have in a day?</p>