My son is interested in CS. He is an incoming 9th grader. Came across summer programs at Inspirit AI and Mehta. Anyone have any experience with either one? Would you recommend? My goal is for him to learn some practical applications of coding but also get him to start thinking about a passion project. Would this be a good place to start? If not, do you have other recommendations?
We just registered my incoming 9th grader for InspiritAI for the summer (3 weeks online, 2.5 hours per day). We don’t have previous experience with the program, but one senior from my son’s school highly recommended it and we decided to give it a try.
I attended InspiritAI has a sophomore and it was a great experience! I walked in with no knowledge of AI whatsoever and learned so much. The instructors are incredibly nice and great teachers. It would be a great place to start for your son
I am not sure about MehtA… still looking out for information about it. It seems really cool but I’m not sure how much I would learn and if it delivers on what it advertises (research papers, work with University professors etc.)
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