Aid offers?

<p>I was just wondering how much aid you guys got from NEU, including merit and need-based aid. I want to compare since NEU gave me like no need-based aid -.- except for like $1200 per year. Does NEU usually revise its original financial aid offer after viewing the FAFSA?</p>

<p>I got $16,000 from the Dean Scholarship and $1200 NEU grant aid. Then a bunch of loans and my total came out to be $26200... meaning I would owe $33000+ every year ....</p>

<p>I don't understand how I only got 1.2 K in grant aid when my family manages a small restaurant and barely scrapes the $40,000 annual salary mark (aggregate)...</p>

<p>Someone hElP!! Please? :)</p>

<p>I’m in the same situation! I got into the honors program and got the maximum $16k Dean’s scholarship with grants landing me at a total of 25500 of aid per year, which still leaves me paying WAY too much! I’m really hoping to receive one of their full scholarships in April!</p>

<p>Most people don’t receive more than 2000 for financial aid. Think of it this way-- at most schools costing 45k, they might give 5k if you are average middle class. NEU technically gives 2k or less, but you also got 16k. You are much better off than most people going to other schools that cost the same as NEU.</p>