AIM Chat One of These Days?

<p>Hey guys, I was thinking that maybe we should have an AIM chat one of these days. We could set up a day and time to have it. Anyone up for it?</p>

<p>haha I'd be up for it. =)
My screen name is on my CC profile by the way.
Anyone can feel free to IM me anytime.</p>

<p>Ya same here, that would be great!!</p>

<p>I'm up for it but you have to guess my screenname.</p>

<p>lol lemme guess...
same as your CC name?</p>

<p>hahaha i already checked to see if clendenenator (as a sn) was online...</p>

<p>Yay AIM chat. ^_^</p>

<p>yeah i would be up for it too</p>

<p>yeah, let's do it friday night,at like 10 30Pm lol</p>

<p>yay, let's get even more attached to CC and P-ton!! =)
My screenname is as difficult to guess as all of yours.</p>

<p>lol its settle friday, 10 30 Pm

<p>lol 10:30???
You'd have to say 10:30 eastern or 10:30 central...</p>

<p>Noooo i'm for SURE gonna be out! lets do it on a weekday : )</p>

<p>ok, but it'll be too CONFUSING if we all change screennames. everyone make a new SN. if it's taken, change the end of it w/ some random numbers.</p>

<p>like pk12313(if taken)------>pk121323809283209830298302832 :)</p>

<p>hahaha make a new screen name that's the same as our CC name just for that one chat?</p>

<p>if mine is taken i'll be ohhhhhhhhhh miss zanna</p>

<p>hehe jk</p>

<p>i just made one!!! wooo</p>

<p>i'm pretty sure that shows my dedication to NOT studying for my english test</p>

<p>lol you seriously made one?</p>

<p>i actually wanna make one too now.</p>

<p>and use it as my REAL screen name.</p>

<p>because i'm pretty tired of my old one.</p>

<p>lets do it like 11PM eastern time,so it's convient for everyone, on saturday night</p>

<p>Well, I'll be at all-state this weekend and pretty much every night except saturdays i'll go to bed early cuz of wrestling in the morning. Just leave me out i guess.</p>

<p>I'm cameliasinensis4. How original.</p>