<p>Hey, if anybody wants, here is where you can post your AOL instant messaging names, or find other users and PM them yours. Wouldn't it be cool to all have some sort of live chat room together :].</p>
<p>Since applications are getting near due, I thought I may as well, lol.</p>
December 29, 2008, 7:31pm
<p>aim: sunnyhuang0912
applying to andover, exeter, and deerfield.
add me (:</p>
<p>senay, you should log on :D</p>
<p>I’m new to AIM: I just registered, since I had an MSN before, so I have reaally poor AIM skills. In case anybody’s wondering. :D</p>
<p>I’m pinkgorillasrock (don’t ask. teehee)! I’ve added all of you, I think!</p>
<p>really? you’re set to offline on mine. or is there some sort of like, friend acceptance thing ?</p>
<p>okay, i’m really really pathetic in terms of AIM technology, so don’t mind me…</p>
<p>dive alive, you are off also, lol.</p>
<p>Ohh, whoops. hehe, i’m online now.
Elvee, could i ask for your AIM, please? i’m assuming i have to add you before you appear on my friend’s list? (on msn, if somebody adds you, you have this immediate notification on adding them too)</p>
December 29, 2008, 8:40pm
<p>im online now. add me and chat me upp lol yeaaa</p>
<p>haha, if you guys are having a group chat, invite me
i’m really really bad @ individual chats, so … :)</p>
<p>is there such thing as group chat thing? i dont use aim that often</p>
<p>yep. the group chat thing?
well, i’m on meebo. so maybe it’s different for the actual messenger :P</p>
December 29, 2008, 9:55pm
<p>Ooooo! Add me!</p>
<p>mackenziemoynan (yeah you know my name now, haha.)</p>
December 30, 2008, 8:26pm
Applying to Choate, Andover, Exeter, and NMH.</p>
<p>Chat me up…</p>
<p>Hey! We should all make a plan to get on AIM on like Friday (because I know I’m going to be busy on New Years, lol) and have a group chat :D.</p>
<p>yeah my aim is: shounenjump</p>
<p>busy doing 4 apps thru commonapp… ugh</p>
<p>elvee: that’s probably a good idea, since i have nobody to talk to 99% of the time. :P</p>
<p>ahhh, i bombed my SSATs!</p>