Airport shuttle timing?

<p>I’m trying to set up my Thanksgiving flight home,and the only realistic (not uber-expensive) flight gets me into Birmingham at 10:56 pm…and the last airport shuttle leaves at 11pm. Does the shuttle wait for those on the late flight to gather their baggage, or will I need to find alternate transportation to UA? Any experience with this? Also, in the event that the flight is delayed, what are my options?</p>


<p>If this were my student, I would arrange private transportation and not rely on the shuttle. Too many variables to consider. Sometimes what you gain by getting a cheap(er) flight, you lose by having to spend more on private transport.</p>

<p>I would pay extra to avoid arriving in BHM that late as flight delays could plus you into a time when some of the private shuttles won’t operate.</p>

<p>Are you looking at Southwest in addition to other airlines? Sometimes one airline will have a drastically cheaper flight. If you’re flying in from the West Coast, I would suggest a redeye flight which leaves just before midnight the day before and arrives in BHM during the mid to late morning.</p>

<p>Alternatively, save money and stay on campus for Thanksgiving. With the semester ending two weeks after that, you’ll be flying home soon anyway.</p>