Alabama Action Information

<p>If you have participated in Alabama Action can you share your experience? Thanks!</p>

<p>Can somebody post about their AA or OA experience? or their child’s?</p>

<p>My D is an OA leader, but I don’t have the scoop on AA.</p>

<p>amcm4klm3, are you already signed up or considering? Do you have any specific questions?</p>

<p>My D attended AA this year and loved it. She applied to be a leader next year, but was not selected due to the huge number of returning students that want to continue to participate beyond Freshman year. One of the biggest benefits is getting to move in a week early. As well as UA does with the amazing move in process, I cannot imagine how many people would be involved in the general move in (that’s may parental comment). Last year’s AA was a little atypical due to the tornado, they were actually assigned in two groups for 2 different school facilities. They then break down into smaller teams and begin various tasks. My daughter’s team spent the week painting the gymnasium, which she said was a lot of fun bringing life and school spirit back to the gym. They also spent time with students and mentoring, and she really enjoyed that. It was HOT, but they got through it and she made some amazing friends that she continued to hang out with all year. There was also another smaller group of AA kids last year the performed vision screenings locally for kids. I’m not sure if that is part of this years agenda as well, but I’m sure those kids had a blast as well. Roll Tide and good luck!</p>

<p>Can someone tell us WHEN we will receive info about this from UA?! Son registered months ago…and check appears to be cashed…but no communication since from UA. When do students receive info about the program, about the requirements (pre-reading, I think), move-in info, etc.??? This ‘class’ is not appearing on his mybama account in any way (that I have been able to locate, anyway)…</p>

<p>timeflew- Son is considering AA.
I would like to know what a typical day at AA is like. Also I am interested in how AA is graded and what type of seminars or classes do the students attend. I see that some have mentioned reading per-requisite. What books were assigned last year and is there a writing project involved with this course?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>There are two parts of AA, the school part and Focus First. Since the first has been addressed, I’ll address FF. Students leave in cars driven by reps from Impact Alabama and travel to various locations in Alabama like Selma, Birmingham, Greensboro, and throughout Tuscaloosa also. They visit daycares and headstart centers to assist in vision screening for children. Depending upon how far they traveled, they came back to campus at different times in the afternoon. Lectures featuring speakers from the community were followed by dinner in groups at local restaurants. After dinner there were optional evening activities. The assigned reading was The Cathedral Within. There wasn’t a written assignment.</p>

<p>^^ I noticed that on the AA form for 2011, the student had to agree to read The Cathedral Within before AA started. This line was not on the 2012 form. It’s possible things have changed for this year compared to years past.</p>

<p>Yes, this was an account of last year’s program. It is entirely possible that things may be completely different in subsequent years.</p>