Alabama Nursing

My D21 is interested in BS nursing. I see that Bama does not have direct entry BSN but rather you have to be admitted after first two years and that it is competitive admission. Was wondering if anyone had any insight as to how competitive it is. Is it like 50% get admitted or 90% get admitted? I don’t know the answer to your question, but the University is expanding the main building to meet increased growth. : "Recognizing CCN’s continued growth and seeing the compelling need for more space, The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama has announced plans for a building expansion on the west side of the College’s existing facility.

The proposed three-story, 32,000 square foot building expansion will significantly impact the College’s ability to support more highly qualified students in achieving their dreams to become professional nurses. The expansion will include two 150-seat multipurpose classrooms, a home health care lab suite, a practicum lab, additional examination rooms, a research lab and more than 30 new offices for faculty and staff. The student experience will be greatly improved by the addition of on-site food service, additional quiet study areas, collaborative work carrels, private space for academic and career advising and a 2,400-square-foot outdoor terrace."

@Atlanta68 - Do you know when this expansion will be completed? Any talk about the targeted increase in number of students being admitted to upper division and when these increased numbers might be put into place?

From what I have seen, construction will begin sometime this year and be complete by end of next year. This link says construction has already started!


Hi!! Graduating University of Alabama nursing senior here. Feel free to dm me with any more questions that you have about the program!

There are three promotions per year - spring, summer, and fall. The summer and fall each admit around 100-120 students each. The spring admits around 30-40 students. About double the amount of students apply for spots (the acceptance into upper division is about 50%). Summer promotion is more competitive than fall. Promotion is based upon an interview (this year they asked about hardships you have overcome), a standardized test called the ATI TEAS, overall GPA, and science GPA. Summer promotion overall GPA is typically around a 4.0 with a science GPA of 3.7. Fall promotion overall GPA sits around a 3.7 with a science GPA of a 3.4. Not entirely sure about spring averages. I was admitted to fall with a 4.1 overall and 4.0 science GPA (did not apply for summer).

It is very nerve-wracking to take a few years of pre-reqs and wonder if you will get into the program. Many lower division pre-reqs are “weed-out” classes, such as chemistry and organic chemistry. Especially if your DD struggles with anxiety and nerves as I did it can be a very rough two years. I had many friends have to switch to schools such as UAB, UGA, etc. or change their major.

They are currently working on expanding the building on one side to have more space for more students. Not sure when it is supposed to be completed, but I would assume that they will gradually raise the amount of students they accept into upper division.

Personally, if I could do it all over again, I would choose a different, direct-admit program. There are many MANY holes in the nursing program at Alabama (both in pre reqs and upper division itself) and would not put myself through that again.

@burghdad @CSM001

@melp99 wow thank you so much for taking the time and giving such a through and thoughtful response. Very helpful and something to think about.