Alabama OOS Scholarships question?

Are Alabama OOS scholarships automatic with the qualifications?

I finally have my son looking at Alabama due to the scholarship possibilities.

So if you have the 30 ACT do you automatically get the two-thirds tuition scholarship? or do you qualify for that scholarship like how Ohio State does their OOS scholarships?

Also, if you go into engineering the site says you get Full-tuition scholarship plus 2,500. Am I correct in assuming the room and board charge would be lowered by 2,500.?

Scholarships are automatic. I presume the $2,500 will show up as a credit on the student’s account, but someone will probably chime in soon to provide specifics.

Is your son a junior?

Agree with ilmomof2boys. If your son is awarded both of those scholarships (I am presuming you are talking about Fall 2016), the $2,500 shows up as a credit to the student account…which then applies as needed to housing, meal plan, and course fees. Credit of $1,250 per semester.

Am I correct in assuming the room and board charge would be lowered by 2,500.?


Each semester $1275 would be credited to the billing acct. It would get applied to whatever bill you have. If your child moves off campus during some later year, the money would be refunded to you.

Ok…I now remember you. You have twins.

Yes, the Bama merit is assured, but we NEVER know if offered merit awards will change, so it’s best for your child(ren) to retest to get the highest scores possible…in case this summer Bama announces that the next season’s applicants need a 31 or ? The ACT 30 req’t has been for many years, but I don’t know what might happen at any time.

When will you be visiting Bama?

What are your other child’s stats?

Also…Have both kids take the SAT…some kids do better on that…AND…for the SAT, kids only have to practice for the M and CR sections, since that’s all that matters for merit.

What was your son’s ACT breakdown?


Have not visited Alabama. We are from PA, so most likely visit would only be after acceptance and seeing merit.

Breakdown for son 1:
30 eng
33 math
30 reading
33 science

GPA 3.9, 12 APs (counting senior year) rest honors.

He wants computer science.

Breakdown for son 2:
29 eng
29 math
29 reading
32 science

GPA 3.7, 8 APs (counting senior year), rest mostly honors.

He is undecided for a major.

They are def applying Pitt, Penn State, NC State, Ohio State.

Looking for other colleges that might give merit for those scores.

I have been pushing them to consider Alabama because of the merit.

So …

S1 has a 32, right? So he has the free tuition and if he majors in CS, then he gets the 2500…

S2 has the 30, right? So right now, he’s undecided so he gets 2/3 tuition?

Or am I mixed up?

Anyway…both should retest.

If you’re going to wait til they get accepted and get the merit, then be sure to have them apply when the app opens in July.

However, please realize that they probably won’t get their merit until Sept of senior year. Depending on how busy that time is for them, it can be hard to do visits then. If you do decide to visit next fall, aim for a day that school is in session. Visiting on a weekend won’t allow for meeting with profs, etc.

^^thanks and yes correct.

@fflmaster UA (and other schools like Purdue) offer a one week summer program for students interested in learning about different areas of engineering. At UA, one can attend if a rising HS junior or HS senior. My DD attending before HS senior year - she was thinking about chemical or civil eng, and after UA SITE (Student Introduction to Engineering) she decided civil engineering, and is in the class of 2018. CS is in college of engineering and they also include that in the program. If your undecided student is wanting to explore. In previous years, SITE had 3 one week sessions - they fill up quick and not really advertised. You can look for details on (on the search put in SITE) or call engineering dept. A number of OOS students attended with DD. They had a parent/student luncheon at the end, and Dean of Engineering, Dean Karr gave an inspiring talk. So you can maybe wrap up a visit with an educational opportunity.

@fflmaster, we’re a PA family who didn’t visit Tuscaloosa until spring break of my son’s senior year, long after the acceptance and notice of the scholarship awards had been received. We visited Bama on April 1 and Penn State for the first time a couple of weeks later on the 16th, I think. My son made his decision that very afternoon and sent Bama his enrollment deposit as soon as we got home from State College. :slight_smile: