Alabama Pre-Med?

Hello! I am currently deciding between a few schools (including Bama, UVA, and Michigan). Right now I think I want to study public health on a pre med track. Can anybody comment on the difficulty of Bama’s science classes/other pre med reqs? Alabama has given me the best FA out of all my schools, and I was a fellows finalist (not accepted however). But so far Bama has really intrigued me. Any help is much appreciated!

Is public health an undergrad major? Sounds like a grad program, but I might be wrong.

Premed prereqs will be a challenge at any good school.

Hi @mom2collegekids , it’s a major in the College of Human Environmental Sciences

Ahh! Thanks!!

Ok, what would you like to know? My son was premed at Bama.

Premed prereqs are a challenge at any good school, including Bama.

What is your home state?

If you pick Bama, I suggest that you also apply to Emerging Scholars…great opportunity for research as a frosh.

@mom2collegekids I am from Ohio. Emerging Scholars looks really cool! At this point I think I have decided on UVA but thank you for your help and insight! But I definitely loved Bama during the whole college application process–it looks like an amazing place. Now I just have to convince my younger sibling to go to Bama… :slight_smile:

Best wishes!!!

Hope your sibling gives Bama a chance!!

Are you instate for UVA? If not, what is the attraction? I don’t think going to a VA school gives you an “in” to VA med schools.

One plus for Bama is that UAB and USA do consider the “tie” to the state when OOS applicants have gone to an AL undergrad.

@mom2collegekids Thanks! I am not instate for UVA, I am from Ohio. However, they did give me a substantial FA offer (relatively close to that of Bama). It was the same price as my instate flagship. Most of the attraction is the fact that it is a lot closer to my family in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

My sibling absolutely loved Bama when we visited, and I absolutely hope he does give it a chance :slight_smile:

Just my general opinion: science classes are going to kick butt, no matter if it’s UA or somewhere else…for a reason: weeding out those who are not capable and/or under-dedicated/under-motivated. So, @seaotter17, plan for the worst and expect the classes to be difficult wherever you land, and work your butt off to maintain a stellar GPA. The fact that some colleges’ test score quartiles (esp at UA) have been rising over the years doesn’t help either: expect top-notch students in all of your core classes, who are all working hard for A’s. Welcome to college! :wink: