Alabama Special Reception, Yes or No?

<p>There is a UA Special reception next week scheduled in our area. I was just wondering if there is anything special or additional that a student who is already accepted and committed to attend UA will learn and who has already attended a honors campus tour and informational. Just didnt want to attend a repetitive event unless you knowledgeable folks say it is definitely worth it to.</p>

<p>Yes, I would attend. I believe the president speaks & takes questions. S & I found it valuable.</p>

<p>For us, we crave any opportunity to meet and greet any 'BAMA folks. Every single encounter we have, from cheering with the local alumni group, to random encounters with wearers of ‘BAMA gear (Roll Tide!) has reinforced our … Well, GLEE describes it aptly…at having stumbled into this awesome opportunity for our DD. (credit Momto2kids’ posts here in CC). </p>

<p>We attended the local reception last year in DD’s junior year, and just last week contacted our recruiter to make sure we would be invited again this year! It is a long Drive and a weeknight hassle, but we would not dream of missing a gathering of 'BAMA folk.</p>

<p>Guess we just like drinking the red koolaid!!!</p>

<p>I doubt you’d learn anything new from the talks. You will meet fellow parents and students from your area, which may be useful for ride sharing and general support along the way. And the student may receive a few freebies (t-shirt, lanyard, ?). You are the only one has to place a value on that.</p>

<p>I plan on going again this year to the one in our area. We attended last years. As others have said, the president speaks at this event and being she is new I would be interested in hearing her vision for the growth of UA. They do give out freebies (t-shirt, pencils, etc) but that is not why I’d go. I’d go for much of the same reasons as TxArchitect, to be around like minded and for my D to meet more people in this area that will be going to UA in the Fall. This is also a chance for the parents to meet each other and new students so that when your kid says, so-so offered me a ride home… you know who it is :)</p>

<p>TXNewCollegeMom…my D is a freshman this year. Last year our event was in February and we were signed up and fully committed to Bama. Our housing deposit was in, the whole thing.</p>

<p>We went to the event in Chicago regardless and met some great parents. Learned a thing or two from the speakers, especially the student speaker and it just futher cemented the conviction that we were making a great decision.</p>

<p>It is a decision that you have to make, but for us it was a great decision. Oh and yes, D got a free T-shirt and some other goodies. Plus the food was amazing.</p>

<p>I assume you mean Garden City? I will be at that reception, as will robotbldmom, who will be speaking. Meeting other parents and staff is always a good thing. Hope to see you there.</p>

No there is another reception in Greenwich, Conn which is closer to us than Garden City.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone, I appreciate the remarks, we will definitely be attending.</p>

<p>buzymom3, we attended the reception in Dallas last year. At our table every other person was already admitted and planned on attending. My D was the only junior at our table. Hearing the then president was amazing!!! We have attended almost every college reception/info meeting that has come to Dallas and the Bama reception/information meeting was the largest attended, BY FAR! It also seemed to be the most well organized and the only one that the schools president was there and spoke. They really do care! </p>

<p>I’m willing to bet that after Monday night, Bama is on a lot more peoples radar as a possible college choice. These Bama receptions should be PACKED! RTR :)</p>

<p>We didn’t learn anything new, my D didn’t really meet any other prospective students, and they ran out of T-shirts before D got one. However, the speaker (Dr. Karr) was good, the parents at the table I sat at were interesting, and it was an enjoyable event. We drove an hour to get there, and I’d still say it was worth it.</p>

<p>Have any receptions happened in Florida?</p>

<p>How do we find out about a reception in our area (Chicago)?</p>

<p>Contact your area UA recruiter… You can find them on the prospective student part of the UA website.</p>

<p>The New York reception is Monday Jan 14th.</p>

<p>I hope that you can join us, the Garden City Hotel is a beautiful and historic venue, and the food is very good.</p>

<p>The student speaker is always interesting. Sometimes it is the president of the university who is the keynote speaker, other times one of the Dean’s will speak. I am just a parent, and definitely not a public speaker, so please do not expect too much :). Come for the other speakers and the food!</p>

<p>Boymomx3, the Chicago area event already happened this fall. I think most areas are done, with these in the east coast having been rescheduled until now due to Hurricane Sandy. If your student is a junior and you want me to contact you when the event happens next year, you can PM me your email address (put spacing in the words - CC does not allow you to PM a whole email address)</p>

<p>Yes, we were rescheduled due to the hurricane. Even if you are a senior, we would love to have you attend.</p>

<p>Sometimes the t-shirts do run out, if more attend than expected, but I still believe that the event is worthwhile. Meeting UA parents is one of the best perks!</p>

<p>The Houston reception is February 18th.</p>

<p>According to our local recruiter, the Garden City reception will feature Dr. Bonner, president of the university, and Dr. Morgan, associate dean of the honors college. I suspect they will also be at the Greenwich reception the next day.</p>

<p>Dr. Morgan is not scheduled to speak, but Dr. Witt who is the Chancellor of the UA system is scheduled to speak!</p>

<p>Thanks Class2012Mom, my son is a senior and is definitely attending Alabama next fall. We did hear about the general info meeting in the fall, I thought this reception might be an additional get-together for admitted students to meet. Do they have anything like that in our area in the spring or summer? Last year our high school sent ~ten kids to UA and it looks like more this year.</p>