Alabama vs. Texas A&M

<p>So I’m pretty sure I’ll end up at Bama next fall, but I am having a hard time forgetting A&M, as school I’ve always liked, having grown up in an Aggie household. I’m a NMSF, which means Alabama is cheaper, but I would be able to afford TAMU without going into debt. Money is important since I want to go to medical school.
There is a lot to like about both schools. Alabama is gorgeous, with incredible dorms. Both are located in true college towns that are full of students and seem to have relatively safe environments. One thing that is huge for me about A&M is there traditions. It’s a huge school, yet there is a real sense of community. It is also a four hour drive away as opposed to the 10+ hour drive to Tuscaloosa.
Honestly, there is so much enthusiasm form A&M here in Texas that it’s hard not to get caught up in it and want to be a part of it. It’s the kind of place where people stand up with their arms around each other to sing the fight song even though the football team is losing. And with the move to the SEC, losing probably will be the case–especially to Alabama, haha.
Alabama is great though, and its reputation around here is improving. Of course, my dad came home the other day saying that people keep referring to Bama as a “fun school”, and that worries him (he is the Aggie parent, haha). The administration seems to be a bit more personable and caring for the students at Alabama. Both student bodies have a reputation for extreme friendliness. The honors programs seem pretty similar. Greek life is much larger at Alabama, which isn’t really something I want.
And of course, the male/female ratio at A&M is more favorable.
By the way, my major is Biochemistry. A&M offers a minor in neuroscience, which I’m very interested in, but Bama doesn’t have that.</p>

<p>Sorry for how long this post is; any points of wisdom are appreciated. :)</p>


<p>Have you visited both schools? Have you been to the Honors College on both campuses? </p>

<p>I don’t know much about A&M, but, how much do you know about the Computer-Based Honors Program at Alabama?</p>

<p>Another thing to consider is how many AP credits you will be given credit for at each school. Bama is very generous with their credits and many NMF students begin with enough credits to be classified as a sophomore. This gives you a lot of flexibility for minors.</p>

<p>Bama is a fun school and that’s bad?</p>

<p>Well, I guess if you don’t have any self-discipline and you never study or go to class that would be a problem…but that could happen anywhere.</p>

<p>All work and no play is not good. I’m glad that Bama can provide some R&R distractions when needed. :)</p>

<p>I just talked to my son at Bama…he’s studying and then he’ll take a break to watch the Bama/Texas game. I think having occasional healthy distractions is good.</p>

<p>Alabama is gorgeous</p>

<p>Yes it certainly beats TAMU in that regard. lol</p>

<p>Bama is rich in traditions as well, so you wouldn’t be giving that up. :)</p>

<p>Definitely look into Bama’s honors college and CBHP. :)</p>

<p>Hi Mascot; We are from the DFW area also. My son looked at both Bama and Texas A&M, among others. Both are excellent schools for sure. </p>

<p>At decision time, he chose Bama for three primary reasons. First, he wanted to go to a school that wanted HIM. From our regional recruiter (Cindy Wright), to the awesome scholarship offers, to the personal agenda for his campus visit - - he really felt like UA wanted him to come there. Secondly, this may sound odd but he didn’t want to ‘follow the crowd’ of 70+ other kids from his school who were headed to A&M. An lastly, the honors dorms - - no comparison to A&M’s dorms.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about being 10 hours away from home. There are a least 7 non-stop flights from DFW to Birmingham every day. American often has weekend get away fares for $85-$99 each way. </p>

<p>There is no lack of tradition at Bama! Just visit, you’ll see what I mean. </p>

<p>Send me a PM if I can help you in any way.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses, y’all!
I have visited both schools, and will probably check them out again before the final decision is made. I am applying for CBHP, so hopefully I’ll get the overnight experience of Finalist Weekend.
loring–that is a pretty good point about AP credit, but I’m pretty sure it would be basically the same at both schools, since all of my scores are above a 3. </p>

<p>mom–That’s just my dad, haha. It’s kind of ironic, since I KNOW he had lots of fun at A&M. Besides, the sample is probably a bit skewed. It seems to me that around here if you know someone who is going to Bama, they’re more likely to be partying-type kids that weren’t serious enough students to get into UT. (There are also those we know who went there for reasons like NMF scholarships)</p>

<p>wake210–For a while I felt exactly like your son about the not wanting to “follow the crowd” thing. For sure tons of my classmates will be attending TAMU, and very few good friends are among them (somehow I ended up in a group of friends that’s oddly heavy in Longhorns), but as so many people at school have started talking about going there, it’s actually drawn me in. </p>

<p>All in all, I like both schools. Some days I feel really excited about going to UA. I guess I just want to make sure I choose correctly for me. It will probably take me more time to commit to anything than I expected.</p>

<p>I like Alabama by at least two touchdowns!!!</p>

<p>from my daughters class of 1200, about 300 went to A&M. maybe 400!</p>

<p>they all seem to love it there!</p>

<p>This was the same choice my son faced, and for similar reasons. His decision came down to the Honors seminars (the Honors College and TAMU Honors really aren’t very much alike - ask to sit in and listen to the discussions in the seminar classes at Bama), the Honors dorms (no comparison), and the fact that Bama cares more about undergrads than TAMU (opportunities for research, mentoring programs, etc.). </p>

<p>For a native born Texan, it’s a hard decision. Visit each a few times, and you’ll probably know what’s right for you.</p>

<p>There’s a clinical reason why Bama is a fun school: [All</a> work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - YouTube](<a href=“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - YouTube”>All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - YouTube)</p>

<p>I also chose between a&m and alabama, and it was a hard decision. I live an hour away from there and both of my parents are aggies. I ultimately chose alabama, but definitely have had second thoughts, even a year later. I would suggest that if texas a&m is the place that you have always wanted to go, then go there. There are definitely pros and cons, but i would say they are fairly even. Alabama definitely has the prettier campus, no contest. Alabama probably has a better honors program, but i dont know anything about a&m’s. Classes are easier at alabama. I guess alabama has traditions, but they are not comparable to a&m’s at all. i would also say that the student body at a&m is more unified.</p>

<p>just from personal experience, texas a&m is a very hard school to let go of. either school is a good choice, it just depends what is more important to you.</p>