
Hello all,

I am a senior in high school and desperately want to go to Alabama. I have a 2.96 GPA and a 1000 SAT. My school is one of the best in the Northeast and constantly churns out Ivy league students. I have hundreds of hours of community service and have a lot of strong extracurriculars.

Heres the catch: my GPA is so low because of the grading scale.

A is 94-100
B+ is 90-93
B- 86-89
C+ is 81-85
C is 77-80
D+ is 74-76
D is 70-73
F is anything below 70

converted to a “public school” GPA where an A is a 90-100 my GPA is around a 3.33.

I am retaking the SATs next week.

Thanks for any input!

Alabama is easy to get into. You’ll be more than fine with those stats.

bump… any more help?
