Alabama's NMF scholarship is still available! If you need a safety apply NOW

In case there are NMF students who still need a financial safety.

Bama will accept and award the big scholarships to NMF’s who apply by April and who name UA as number one choice to NMCorp by May 1st.

Univ of Alabama routinely enrolls about 175-200 NMFs every year.

NMF award

5 years of tuition (AND you can use an extra semester to pay for summer abroad…nice! $12k towards study abroad))

1 year of housing, including the honors housing super suites

$3500 per year stipend (and if you’re eng’g or CS, you get an add’l $2500 per year)

Some kind of technology choice (latest iPad, laptop, whatever)

$2000 towards a summer experience.

Usually around this time there are some NMF students who are finding that they can’t afford their top schools, so they need financial safeties.

Alabama will award their NMF and National Achievenment scholarships to applicants who apply by about mid April, and name Alabama as #1 choice by May 1st.

If the NMF student is an engineering major or Comp Sci major, he/she gets an additional $2500 per year…stacked on top!

@mom2collegekids, you should post this in the FA & Scholarships forum.

NVM, I’ll link to it. I’m sure I’ll be accused of Excessive Bama Boosterism, but so be it!

@mom2collegekids My son and I still haven’t visited. The three-hour drive is just too much! But can’t students do a full year abroad if they want? I thought I read that they could.

^ 3-hr drive? I’m jealous… :wink:

I think he was just kidding about the 3-hr drive.

what is a nmf?

National Merit Finalist

Deadline is May 1st!

Update from Lacie Nolin in the UA Scholarship Office:

The only thing a student needs to do to qualify for Bama’s NMF award is to submit confirmation to the NMF Scholarship program by the program’s May 1 deadline, designating UA as the student’s first choice school. The student’s Bama application, test scores, etc. can all be submitted later.

So, for any student who’s still uncertain about their plans, it’s not too late!