Alarm Clocks

<p>i'm one of the people who can't sleep with light, so i just use eye masks. That way if my roommate is up first, she can turn on the light and it won't bother me.</p>

<p>i am able to get up later than my roommate but never end up doing so because of his alarm. and the alarm isnt bad, its the snooze thing. "oh, ill wake up 2 hours before class so i can do work", 7 am hits, snooze snooze snooze, finally its 830 and he has to get to class. so if you ever have a roommnate earlier than you, make a rule, NO SNOOZE. i'm about to do that.</p>

<p>The only way to really discipline yourself with an alarm clock is to make sure it's NOT next to your bed. If you make yourself get up to turn the thing off you'll be more inclined to not go back to bed. Until they make alarm clocks with remote controls I'll keep mine across the room.</p>