<p>PBK Mom - I think that your daughter will be fine, and do well at USC. </p>
<p>When we went to the Explore USC, during the Scholarship Interview sessions, there was a woman speaker from UC Campus Security, and also a couple of gentleman speakers from USC Housing. Without going into a 1,000 word summary of their discussion with Parents that day, I will give you the quick thumbnail sketch overiew of what they had to say.</p>
<p>(1) Yes, drinking occurs at USC, like it does at every other college campus. (They were not condoning, or approving of it, with their comments. They were being honest).</p>
<p>(2) The head of Housing stated very directly, that anyone caught drinking is dealt with. There is a student government forum. There are some type of "drinking education" sessions that they are required to attend (that apparently are quite effective at communicating the consequences to the students). It is communicated very directly to the students that it is "OK not to drink", and it is "not ok to drink".</p>
<p>(3) the bottomline: If the students are caught more than once (maybe it is more than twice, they can be put on probation programs, and get kicked out of the dorms, and get kicked out of USC. The point being, it is NOT taken lightly.</p>
<p>Let's add one more unspoken element to the equation. Unlike many public schools, USC, and the fact that it is a private school, IS going to hear from, and listen to Parents and Alumni. Parents do not want to learn that their kids are "learning" how to drink. Parents and Alumni, in the giving, are going to communicate their preferences. This does NOT mean that drinking will not occur. However, I do believe that it is taken very seriously, and I believe that students will learn of the seriousness after an offense, if not before.</p>