Algebra 2 as a Junior?

<p>So, I hate my counselor. She is a liar and everyone that is unfortunate enough to have her hates her. She randomly lets people with basics on their benchmarks into honors classes, yet she denies my request to get into alg2trig honors even thought I had no basics in geometry and had a solid A in it the whole year. My friend got 2 advanced benchmarks and she got in. I got that and I was denied, she said it was the “district’s policy” or something. I really, really hate her. I want to get into a UC, just not sure which one though. I want to get into the higher-ranked UCs like UCLA, Cal, UCSB, UCSB</p>

<p>Will this affect my admissions?

<p>All your A-G classes, AP/Honor classes, grades, and test scores are important. If everything is good, then one class probably won’t matter.</p>

<p>since youre a junior shouldnt you be taking like precal h or stats ap? Maybe your parents could talk with her about the situation?</p>

<p>I’m behind a year. My counselor probably got that wrong too, but I was a naive freshman so I didn’t question. My friend got tons of basics on her benchmarks and she moved on, I got held back.</p>

<p>Algebra 2 is the junior math class at most high schools. One non-honors class isn’t going to keep you out of a good school.</p>

<p>At my school, most sophomores are in Algebra 2.</p>

<p>Talk with another guidance or the math department, they always have influence.</p>

<p>If you really want to get in the class, talk to your current math teacher and the Honors Algebra II/Trig teacher. Get their thoughts on it and see if they think you’re capable. If yes, talk to a different counselor or the principal.</p>

<p>Algebra II is a junior class. Those who are taking it sophmore year jumped ahead a year. Honestly, don’t worry about it. As long as you do pre-calc senior year, you should be fine.</p>

<p>To be honest, it is better to have pre-calc not later than Junior if you want to take SAT2 Math2 in Junior for instance.</p>

<p>So I can’t take SAT 2 Math 2? :(</p>

<p>You can if you self-study a lot of material. If you can’t get in, I would just recommend taking another math class during next summer, if it is already too late to start one this summer.</p>

<p>you can but you may not do good on it because the test include pre-calc/trigonometry material.</p>

<p>Ugh do you think this will look bad on my application?</p>

<p>UCLA and Cal admissions are about way more than one math class. Subject tests are not required for any UC. I think your situation is one of the reasons why. Lots of kids, maybe most, are doing what you are. Show your stuff on the reasoning tests, and try the subject test this year and next.</p>

<p>To answer in gangsta: hellz naw</p>

<p>Its fine. You’re a math class behind. You’ve gotten A’s in them and you weren’t held back. They’ll just see that you started one class behind.</p>

<p>If its really bothering you you can take it online or during the summer at a local CC. But I believe that time is better spent focusing on ECs.</p>

<p>I’m sad I can’t take the Math 2 subject test.</p>

<p>Talk to your math teacher. If she thinks you can handle it, s/he typically can override the counselor. Be frank “I want to take Alg2trig honors, do you think I can do it?”
Re: SAT2 Math2: ask if you can have a math tutor and ask your math tutor to help yo with math2 topics :slight_smile: then take it in June :)</p>