Hi guys,
I took algebra 2 trig in 9th grade. My overall grade in the class was a 98.5%
The topics we covered included:
polynomial and factoring
rational functions
sequences and series
In addition, I took a pre calculus class over the summer. My overall grade in the class was a 96%
We covered:
more polynomial functions
sequences and series
exponents/ logarithms
more trigonometry
conic sections
polar equations
basic derivatives and limits
Do you think I would be fine to skip to Calc BC and receive an A in the class as a sophomore?
It will be my only AP class and thus most of my homework time would be devoted to it.
Since you took the pre-calculus class over the summer, and you did so well, I think that would be fine to move to Calc BC.
You sound like a rather skilled math student, and you seem to understand the time commitment involved. I say it’s a chance worth taking.
Do students at your school normally take calc BC after taking precalc? Then it should be fine. I don’t know what else you would take–it’s the next course. But some schools teach BC as a 2 year sequence and require AB first, and if your school does this then you should not skip AB…
Yes, the majority of students take calc bc after pre calc. Calc ab isn’t a very popular course at our school
Does anyone aelse have anything to say?
OP, I’ve taken the exact same math sequence as you (summer class included) and have gotten similar scores.
I want to say that I feel prepared, and what I’ve studied in anticipation (MIT has good calculus videos online!) makes a lot of sense.
TL;DR I’m in your position and think @yonceonhismouth is right
Thank you @OMPursuit ! Do you know where I can find the mit calc videos?
Yes! Search MIT OCW online, and select their Single Variable Calculus lectures (that’s 18.01). I think they’ve even got problem sets (although I’ve had some trouble finding them).
Actually, I’m gonna look into whether they have 18.014 (Calc w/ theory) now :0
Edit: They do, but it’s not complete 
Here’s a link to it!
The lecture videos are also on youtube.
Calc is what comes after precalc so what else would you take?
@OMPursuit Thank you so much!!!
@casee37 ap stats and multivariable calc
Oh my school doesn’t offer multi variable calc, is it similar to AP calc AB? I would definitely continue with calc and it’s not uncommon for someone to go right from Precalc to Calc BC. I think you’ll do great especially since it will be a big priority
@casee37 multivar comes after bc. Thanks!
Oh I don’t see why you would skip BC for multivar then especially since you’re only a sophomore. I say BC is definitely the way to go. Good luck