Algebra 2/trig vs ib math sl (have to make decision tomorrow)

Sorry if you keep seeing me but I need extra opinions. So I am choosing between taking ib math sl or regular algebra 2/trig here are the opinions I’ve got:

My current math teacher: She says not to take ib math sl because it would difficult but to take ib math studies but I think the main reason she wants me to take it is because she teaches it and she wants me in her class. I’m pretty set on not taking math studies because I want to major in computer science and math studies is a class designed for people who aren’t going to use any further math.

IB coordinator at my school: He said that I have to be very good at math (I believe I am) for me to do well in ib math sl without algebra 2/trig and to ask my teacher.

My counselor: She does not want to take me out of ib math sl because she thinks I can handle it and she says I don’t need algebra 2/trig as prerequisite.

So some questions that I have are if I were to take ib math sl would I get all the proper information of algebra/trig that I need to do well in future math courses and on the sat? And does taking ib math sl without algebra 2 even make sense? Lastly how would colleges look at my transcript if took ib math sl but never took algebra 2 and vice versa? Thank you everyone for your help!