<p>Also, if it helps to mention I believe my ECs I have planned are pretty amazing.</p>
<p>Band. Lots and lots of band… And music related activities. I’ve been playing the Oboe for 2 years now, and I absolutely adore it. I plan on getting an amazing teacher next year, to prepare me to play more difficult music. So that I might acquire state recognition.
I also play Tenor in Marching Band, but this mostly a substitution for 1 year. I also privately play piano. I’ve given up piano for about 5 weeks now, and I plan on starting signs, I was good but never fantastic, and now I plan on starting from beginning and mastering it by practicing 4-5 hours a day in Summer. I’ve already gotten 1st in regionals, which was extremely easy, but I plan on getting a lot better. I might do piano in jazz band starting next year as well.</p>
<p>Speech And Debate…
I’ve always been fond of arguing, and this seems like something I could be good at and would really enjoy. Well not require much work out of school. </p>
<p>Robotics team.
Pure fun thing for now, my school is starting one net year I plan on joining, will not require too much work out of school.</p>
<p>I might join Academic Team as well .-. </p>
<p>For sports I’ve been doing swimming for 3 years, and I placed at nationals.
And I started playing Tennis this year.
I already have some nice community service programs, which will mostly be taking effect next year.</p>
<p>I plan on narrowing down my ECs quite a bit. I mostly will be focusing on music, and speech and debate. </p>
<p>The good part is in my school most of these things are seasonal, so I’ll be taking shifts of doing curtains things, hitch I’ll make sure my schedule isn’t overloaded with ECs.</p>
<p>I’d be doing large amounts of ACT Prep, SAT Prep, and AP prep. I’ve spent mostly this whole year preparing for next year, because this year was basically nothing…</p>